I'm not seeing any good marketing elements in this boring recruitment poster. You need a good one-liner, like "the few, the proud..." Go back to the drawing board. You'd probably get more of the types of "knights" you want by just being honest about what Kofte really does and stands for. Imitation-Cheese has done a pretty good job at that. Maybe just link to his post?
We the Knights of the Fire Emblem (KotFE) have chosen not to fight with words but remain a clan of action. When one of our members is threatened we will stand by them. We will fight until our fingers bleed. We do not need leagues of noobs and no names to pat us on the back and feed our egos. We do not look for nor require your acceptance. Unlike our most recent "challengers" we continue to take the high road. KotFE welcomes all challengers and will not back down. We come from a time before EBs and pwars. Our core consists of original warriors from before the clan system existed. Our legacy has afforded us the opportunity to align ourselves with elite warriors. Chaos Reborn True Spartans and Wrath of God are our brothers in arms. Challenge them and you challenge all of us. We are not perfect. We do not hold ourselves above others. We chose to play this game the way it was originally intended; with our swords, axes and lances. So to all of you egotistical and immature "challengers" continue to brag and smack talk. We will respond with war. You have been warned. Greenie KotFE Lord since 2010
I never threatened anyone in your clan until after I was attacked for sharing my thoughts about one of your members in a thread, Greenie. Get your facts straight before you post. It was the other way around. You clan has attempted to muzzle me after sharing my opinion about one of your member's choice of action. I have looked death in the eye on the REAL field of batlle, having toured Iraq as a combat infantryman. Do not plug away at your keyboard and try to tell me you know the first thing about combat. :lol: Having fought and shed REAL blood for my beloved country, I will not stand to be told what I may and may not say by a bunch of virtual warriors on a goddamn video game! The value which some of you place on this game of virtual toughness and virtual gold and virtual domination is so humorous to me - especially when you try to stand upon a high and mighty horse, so noble. You may have the numbers and virtual resources to stay after me, but I will not be silenced by a tyrant. I've stood against tyranny in RL. I think I can handle a bunch of keyboard warrior try-hards.
And quit calling each other "lords." Being a lord requires nobility - a quality severely lacking on your clan.
If you have nothing nice to say, get off my thread. And I named them lords cause it's the highest rank in fire emblem, not cause we think we're better. On an off note, it's nice to be back and still have this clan running strong. I'm proud of everyone in or involved with the clan, and I hope we can keep this going on for years to come. Special thanks to watson, who was always standing by me and brought out the clans potential. For chuck the current owner, keep this clan alive for me kay?