 Knights of the Fire Emblem

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by xioxas, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Really interesting to learn more about a clan.. Reading through the first 50-75 pages of this gives me a much better insight of the game before.. Nice...
  2. I think it's good.
  3. Nice Little picture video things lol
  4. Why is this titled Knights of the Fire Emblem?
  5. Merge fail? 
  6. @Oh_Yes.. Look at the original post date
  7. Oh...I fail
  8. According to the original ranking I should be a hero and a mercenary :lol:
  9. This is our original thread from before there was a clan system in place.
  10. Are they 18 ?
  11. It is amazing that a huge bloodline came from this thread. This is...amazing actualy
  12. Are they 18plus?
  13. Happy Anniversary KotFE 
  14. KotFE born. I've been here since I joined little less then a year ago.

    Best clan to be in.
  15. I was recruited Feb 4 2010. This clan is my family.

  16. Just goes to show how deep the KOTFE roots go 
  17. KotFE
  18. Great work from CoS :) Happy to be a alliance
  19. KotFE/CR