 Knights of the Fire Emblem

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by xioxas, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. KotFE
  2. KotFE
  3.  KotFE 
  4. I feel awsome posting on this legendary artifact. 
  5. What happened to Xioxas, I heard he has been overthrown lol
  6. Kotfe nuff said holmes
  7. Well, inactive before T4 for sure lol
  8. Best clan in kaw
  9. KotFE
  10. Bumpity bump bump bump
  11. Showing some love for KotFE

  12. Cool animations
  13. KotFE
  14. A bump for old times sake. Some great people there. Can still call some of you brothers. Check the surf line for my boot prints they'll always be there, water at my back ready for a fight…
  15. It's amazing how much that clan has grown. 