 Knights of the Fire Emblem

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by xioxas, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Sure, steel, I don't mind amusing you guys. I live to serve.

    Thrawn, let's not get a clan thread too off topic >.> it hurts. Pal me about it ad'ika, we'll work it out. (and no, you don't get discounts for losing your iPod XP no matter how long.)
  2. KotFE Runs Deep
  3. I've always been a bit curious. How'd you pick those two emoji for the clan?
  4. I don't really know but they're sexy
  5. I used to be in KotFE
  6. KotFE
  7. I'll be honest ur set up is cool but does nothing u just name ppl and didn't talk about admins or how ur clan will set up u just gave them titles based on their stats
  8. Whiteice, you're a nub.

    Seeing as there's this nice big thread for a clan, figuring out how admins go is fairly easy.
    And why would they post their strategies (for anything [that's what I assume you meant with "set up"]) on a public thread? Keep 'em to pal or cc.

    What's wrong with titles based on stats? Except during war, of course, but on a regular basis it looks more unified than seeing dozens of different titles. Plus it's easier to keep them straight.
  9. Bump for those good old days :) Our stat requirements might of changed but the principle is the same. Long live KotFE

  10. Actively Recruiting All Size Kingdoms
  11. This thread is still alive 
  12. Ahh KoTFE, u guys are great!
  13. I thought it was time this thread was active again! 

    Looking for a spot in one of the oldest families in kaw history? If interested wall me for a interview.

  14. Wow, how long did it take for you find this thread? 
  15. You can thank Sholron for finding it. It's in his historic thread guide :)
  16. Hehe... Bump!
  17. Lol those gif's bring back memories of playing fire emblem I love that game it's amazing
  18. KotFE always and forever
  19. You missed out toy soilders :(