Sure, steel, I don't mind amusing you guys. I live to serve. Thrawn, let's not get a clan thread too off topic >.> it hurts. Pal me about it ad'ika, we'll work it out. (and no, you don't get discounts for losing your iPod XP no matter how long.)
I'll be honest ur set up is cool but does nothing u just name ppl and didn't talk about admins or how ur clan will set up u just gave them titles based on their stats
Whiteice, you're a nub. Seeing as there's this nice big thread for a clan, figuring out how admins go is fairly easy. And why would they post their strategies (for anything [that's what I assume you meant with "set up"]) on a public thread? Keep 'em to pal or cc. What's wrong with titles based on stats? Except during war, of course, but on a regular basis it looks more unified than seeing dozens of different titles. Plus it's easier to keep them straight.
Bump for those good old days Our stat requirements might of changed but the principle is the same. Long live KotFE KotFE
I thought it was time this thread was active again! Looking for a spot in one of the oldest families in kaw history? If interested wall me for a interview. KotFE