 Knights of the Fire Emblem

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by xioxas, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. How do I join this clan
  2. I wanna join
  3. Jadin, look at page 36
    gaion, I'll accept you later when I'm on a computer
  4. Why aren't I in the roster for clan thingy?
  5. BTW are there any peace places left?
    I'm more of a lover than a fighter.

    Giant Panda

  6. Nevermind...found out how.

    Here's his wife...
    ( =^.^=)
  7. Dude!!! Can I join this clan, it looks sweet?!
  8. Yes. Refer to page 36 on joining.
  9. Lol, clan chat ruined the use of threads and pal
  10. I'm 56,000 now for attack and defense.
  11. Okay, since I heard some of our clan members farmed OSFs, I would like to clarify this to all of our clan mates.

    OSFs are open spy farms, meaning that we have 0 defence to enable attackers to maximise profit gained when hitting us.

    However, we only allow 5 hits per person per day so that others can gain gold too. Remember, you are not the only player in the game. As an OSF member, I am really disappointed and ashamed that I did not clarify this earlier.

    As it is, xioxas has been informed and I do not want to see anymore cases of KotFE members farming OSFs again. Failure to read this will not be an excuse.
  12. Ok guys, the title recruit has been changed to mage and the requirement for the archer rank is bumped to 21k attack
  13. Farming OSF is BAD...... especially when the ASF find u 
  14. Yes, please stop, if we catch people doing it again there will be trouble, 400th post
  15. Sup clan I'm posting a report on a Farmer who has for last 7 days been stealing from me total I've lost 37m he is hard to deal with due to the fact he's a spy only build and gives a To weak MSG to all attacks other then spy based his name is: Someone , all I want is for him to be dealt with