KotFE Dark League

Discussion in 'Clans and Alliances' started by IlIl_KRALL_IlIl, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. Huge Support. Awesome thread Krall
    As Mare said if you're lucky enough to pass the interview get ready for some of the best mentoring and teaching KaW has to offer
  2. Bump  gotta learn from the best, to be the best. Either you're in or in the way ☠₭ᎧϮʄع☠
  3. Superb thread! Support to Krall and KDL.Welcome to KotFE to all new faces at KDL.
  4. Nice thread Krall. Just one question? Which pic is the self portrait 
  5. Lol support. Kofte wrecked my old clan in a matter of 20 min. It was sad :(
  6. Support Fam️
  7. SUPPORTfrom the nicest guy in kaw️️️
  8. Support its a great time to join the apoc family they have proved they are the new top dogs in kaw
  9. KotFE Dark League

    Join the best damn family in the Game .

     к๏ҭғє 
     Mλ₡Ҥł₦E$ 
  10. Apoc roarslove you all family
  11. Much Love and Support to Our Family 

    ҜøɫʄE☣ ¡IIմʍ¡ղ⋀Ե¡ ☣
  12. Support my family
  13. Full support.
  14. Support!!! Join the best family in KaW and learn to be a real warrior.