my name is Gerty and I will get you

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Or what about someone of Semitic origin who hates Jews?

    For example, is it possible, in your opinion, for Palestinians to be anti-Semitic?
  2. Orpheous, you said "anyone who would only marry someone of the same race was racist"
    Given, that could be attributed to racism.
    But not always, it can jus be personal preference of that individual, and discriminating against someone just for their preference for a partner isn't much better than being a racist.
    Sorry if I'm confusing something, I'm jus replying to what I've read.
    As I always say, txt base comms is always the worst way to try an describe an opinion 
  3. Yes you can call either of these people those terms. Just because you are originally part of those groups doesn't mean you can't hate your own race or say inflammatory statements.
  4. Interesting opinion. OK.
  5. Jesus Christ, if this thread was a train it would be perched on my roof.
  6. So what about people who hate Palestinians and other Semitic Arabs and Muslims?

    Would they also be considered anti-Semitic?
  7. And what I'm saying is if I told you I wasn't attracted to Japanese women, that would be honest but not racist. That would be an example of the personal preference you describe.

    If, however, I was attracted to Japanese women but not allowed to marry them because of an outdated law and I adhered to that law even though it had been overturned by modern courts, I'd say that would be racism. That would be racism but I'd say its just because I'm following the rules/law.
  8. I wouldn't call that racist...I'd call that close minded.
  9. Orpheus, in that case, it's still a personal choice. They choose to follow that religion, they don't have to if they don't want to.
  10. Don't skip my question, hero. :(
  11. Close minded? What the hell do you think racism is? It's ideology! Some religions espouse racist ideology. Period.
  12. DTM, I'd assume all people for the Semite region would fall under the same heading so yes any slanderous or disrespectful actions towards them would be considered "anti-semitic"
  13. Interesting. Thanks for sharing. 
  14. This thread is so derailed bob the builder couldn't fix it.
  15. Orpheus, I see where you're trying to take this ship, but it ain't gonna go the way you want it.

    I laud your effort, though. Good luck. 
  16. Dam you Farr, for usurping my derailment comment. :(
  17. You pig. You don't even know me. You don't even know one thing about me. If I choose to marry another Jew because that suits my life and lifestyle as a Jew also, that is my business.
    I don't bother anyone. I don't care what colour or race or religion anyone is. I'm making choice for my life.
    You got lucky and got to see a couple of dirty pics then turned very nasty toward me when I told you when I get married it will be to a Jewish man. You said a lot of nasty things about Jews. Asshole.
    You come into this thread which was game related fun and start posting double meaning posts regarding my body. I even asked you to be a man and keep it off forum.
    Go get a
    Circumcisn if you that desperate. There won't be much left. Small man. Little man
    I hate you. You betray me. I really hate you
    Why don't you post the pics so I quit . Pig
  18. I don't think racism and close minded are the same thing.
    Racism is a kind of hate. In the scenario's you present. I don't see hate, just not an open mind to datin other races.
  19. Racism is well-defined in any modern dictionary.

    The word "hate" doesn't appear in any definition of racism I've ever read.
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