my name is Gerty and I will get you

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Alison ? Really ? After I was the second person t discover her other one -Amelia- how did I not see this comin :roll:
  2. You should try working on your alts rather than derailing threads.
  3. I don't derail threads and I work on my alts
  4. Then why are you talking about your alts on a thread about gerty?
  5. Cause I'm balto and I'm awesome # I don't have emojis on here
  6. Also someone mentioned this was my alt and I just made it hours ago
  7. I'm not even going to post my thoughts..
  8. Okbut I hope you will post :(
  9. Ahh it is the attention getting rabid dog. Different name same style
  10. ^ Says the nooby statless alt.
  11. Lovely alt
  12. Hey my main is balto573 at least I'm not afraid to show my main you all already knew mine though so it doesn't matter
  13. Balto, shut up nobody cares about you, thought we established that some time ago.
  14. Hey say what you want but you haven't been in my newsfeed so I guess you don't back what you say up goodnight
  15. Duh, if i was a noob then i wouldn't have known to post with an alt. Like I said I don't want to be bitten by a rabid dog. That hurts
  16. My name is Cyn

    And I endorse Gerty

  17. Having fake money be taken away hurts, have you decided to seek professional help for the lack of life you have?
  18. Balto I just said nobody cares about you, attacking you would just be me caring about you, now shut up and go away.

    Yes Cynder I do have a problem, I too endorse Gerty and I don't think this endorsement thread is big enough for hundreds of us.
  19. I challenge you to a duel sir!!!

    We take ten steps and fire!

    If we miss we take 5minutes reloading our flint lock pistols! God help you if I reload first!!!
  20. Best of luck to you then sir for I am the decesendent of the greatest duelist ever, Sir Henry Giantholeinthetorse Wikenshire.
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