my name is Gerty and I will get you

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, May 14, 2013.

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  1. You should buy more pots.
  2. Have fun getting farmed all day
  3. Ur gonna regret farming me
  4. Somehow I doubt that.
  5. Gerty i like your style ;) hard to get is my kinda fun
  6. Warbunny hits and is willing to go x-tal for x-tal

    Strictly professional is in over his head with the odd fail scout.

    Chadturner has done nothing but make useless threats that make his situation worse.
    Not even 1 hit.
  7. That made me rotfl ^ :lol: :lol: looks like this aint a mans world anymore ;)
  8. I was smaller a few hours ago but had to add buildings to hit ghostdawg_2012 for making insult about my mother

    I also only had a couple noob items equipped to bait people into fight.
  9. Ok. You can stop now op. it's really getting annoying.
  10. I guess im not very good at this game :roll:
  11. I saw your noob eq on a different account and rotfl-ed cuz i thought u seriously thought hydriside helm was decent :lol:
  12. gerty overpriced
  13. So gerty doesn't talk while pinned? But when up runs mouth?
  14. great job warbunny, proud to be your pvp mentor
  15. He xtals alot
  16. my name is Carlethal and I am drunk
  17. I like the way you play this game^
  18. Just stopping by to say hi gerty. And yes we have a truce but i gotta ask....what happened? Why the change? Your still one of my favorite ppl :) ( no im not being a smart ass) pm me some time :)
  19. Lol awesome items Gerty. You big mouth
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