my name is Gerty and I will get you

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, May 14, 2013.

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  1. @wake

    That's a good thing ;)
  2.  no comment
  3. Bump to Gerty....Go get em
  4. Balto you've been asked to leave.

    No more posting on this thread.
  5. Hey drgn if you ask someone a question even if they've left the thread,don't they have a right to come back,?
  6. Cause if so balto I need to ask you something,Now magically appear from my hat:3
  7. Bye bye balto. Have fun as a self pinning, soon be inactive farm.
  8. @Arbiter, yes. If a player has been asked to leave by the op, yet continues to he mentioned in the thread, he/she has a right to respond. However if a mod asks the player to leave, they can no longer post at all regardless of how many times their name gets mentioned.
  9. Actually it doesn't suck, pm or wall him you tool.

    Gerty, would you be as so kind to get Arby as well?
  10. Well boba,first of all I'm perm silenced,second,I stated that fact because I was lamenting the fact that more And more power is granted to the mods everyday,and that they have the final say in anythingno matter what.I also found it funny how a game mod can tell people what to do,I recall the admin saying"What happens in KAW is for the game mods to figure out,what happens inthe forum is for forum mods to figure out".That's why I said this sucks.
  11. :lol: this made me laugh though I'm really surprised that it isn't locked from the middle few pages of crazyness.

  12. Wish i had seen this earlier.
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