my name is Gerty and I will get you

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __AnotherNoob__, May 14, 2013.

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  1. Your right. I did tell you to grow And come tango. Won't deny that. And I stand by my statement. My news feed agrees. But like I said. You hit me first. You took the first bite. I'm just biting back.
  2. As per mike dawg request.


    And mine is nothing compared to some of the red paladin guild hansel.
    We are new generation build. Come to ruin KaW for everyone who isn't.
  3. My name is Balto and your my *****

  4. Gerty I meant battle stats!
  5. But that's pretty impressive more defense than mine
  6. My equip suck, hi Ali
  7. Hi mew, haven't seen you in awhile.
  8. Can you please leave this thread balto. You contribute nothing to any thread, even ones as pedestrian as this one.
  9. Request granted I will return if mentioned however
  10. I ask that you don't return please. You are not welcome on my thread.
  11. I sense a lot of hate on this thread...
    Yeah yeah gerty I know
    "Warry leave this thread"
    Ok I'm already out the door.
    "Don't let it hit your ass on the way out"
    Yeah yeah bye.
  12. way to threaten and block balto btw

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
  13. Balto shut up, clearly you don't understand that no one likes you, or even cares for your existence.
  14. I was mentioned I'm back
  15. Boba clearly you don't know that I realise that however some people's views are different then yours...or are you to ignorant to understand that?
  16. Balto, clearly you do not realize who is all gonna visit your newsfeed tonight
  17. I was going to say "******* guild hansels always get eq before me," then someone posted it was alison and I felt oddly ok with it
  18. You don't realise how active I am I will be waiting
  19. Hey balto:3,saw your WC callout,GL man:3
  20. Balto you have already been asked to leave the thread. Please leave and stop posting please
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