Infection: Blackout

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Doom_Master, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. 
  2. Well said, Zap
  3. Sooooo.... We're not doing this?
  4. Cheesemufin ruined it
  5. Awwwwwwww..........
  6. 6 months later, new account, and STILL takin a dump on here


    Oh, found some glitter in my sh*t
  7. Name-couch
    Weapon- rifle rpg and miniture Uzi
    Armor- under armor clothes ( allows for faster movement)
    Skill- builder (reapairs makes makeshit weapons)
  8. What is the time period of this rp?
  9. Oh whatever



    Weapons:roman spatha and a buckler(shield) but also has a pistol
    Apparel: combat boots,armour made out of spare metal and random leaves of leather to tie it together
    :eek:ld war veteran who spends his time perfecting his technique with antique weapons but is also a good pistol shot
  10. Wait how did I post that emote when I don't ******* have a computer