STOP THE SHIP!!! Just turn the winches reverse for a sec. Well, we camp here in the air for the night, hope the wind doesn't move us during the night.
We use winches to propel it forward, backwards left or right. Up and down is controlle by you, the 24-hour fanning boy. You fan the flames while we sleep to keep us afloat
It's a blimp with crossbows attached to it. Not very advanced. A leather balloon over a basket with an arrow shooting device. Futuristic, I tell you!
Yeah. Enough people or a skilled worker can work for 24 hours straight and make it. That and I had three people helping, so it was shortened
LOLOL sexist labor!!! Sorry, but here's my special mix of beer and coal, it'll keep you up ALL night....
They're already mixed. Wait, {adds tiny pinch of salt} this brew will work like a charm. You won't get tired for a LONG time with this. Here ya go! *mixes bottle vigorously
Nope, just keep you awake for three days. It'll pay off, cuz well be floating for those three days without you feeling the least bit tired