Infection: Blackout

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Doom_Master, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. *lights furnace, airship starts floating, slowly rising at about a foot per second
  2. Wait.. Did we build landing gear?
  3. We have tether ropes, don't worry
  4. Well. I think arguing with the noob is boring. So whats going on here
  5. Cheese! Push the winches with me to move this thing East!
  6. And did we build a convection chamber and a cooling chsmber to slow the blimp down?
  7. We got the special gunship ready. We almost got attacked by the undead in the process
  8. pushes winches
  9. And with that said, by.
  10. And do we have first aid? And do we have somethimg to patch our blimp with?
  11. It's realistic. You can make a steel basket and attach it to a chasis and use hot air to move it!! I'm not BSing you
  12. And do we have warm fluffy fur coats? Its cold up here
  13. Those capes are hard leather, few things can break them. I'm an engineer boy, I make things for everything!
  14. We have a furnace 
  15. And who is driving this thing?