Infection: Blackout

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Doom_Master, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Marlin even said we were the only ones there!
  2. Leaves tent and stuff behind and runs to help with the cloaks
  3. Read a couple pages ago.
  4. But how could a blimp catch up?
  5. I'm in my mountain shack, doing business. Get up here if you want to help with my improved blimp. I need those guard capes!

    *finishes alligning.
  6. I jumped off before it left
  7. Doom, the answer is wind
  8. Where exactally are the guard capes?
  9. " muffin need any help?"
  10. Uses beer flamethrower to melt steel... Shapes into big cabin with coal furnace in center
  11. ok the point is i wanted to be a zombie in the first place, so i ran off so humans couldnt find me. End of debate.
  12. Looks around with a confused look on her face
  13. Damn it ....
  14. Cheese and para, help!

    Para, guard capes are in back, and Cheese, get that old wooden crane to bick up that balloon chasis I just made!
  15. Look before that
  16. Bat gong to die soon
  17. *smooths out steel cabin, removing excess anti-aerodynamic corners and weight
  18. I so what do we do now