beware. new kaw terrorist mafia is here

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SkinnyMinny, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Oooh Kifu took the bait...
    182m a hit.

    I'm goin' get you now.
  2. Come at me
  3. Alison's strongest kingdom can't even hit me.
    What a joke. This is like a bunch of 300k CS guys fighting over candy.

    Waste of time. Waste of space.
  4. Lol if DTS wasn't there Alison could whack right through your **** spy defence.

    Nice war build.
  5. Lol I've made my point about my build countless time on forums. You're not worth the time explaining. GH *****.
  6. Your build is **** no matter how many times you make a point about it.

    Really reflects how much of a fake badass you are.
  7. I was also contacted by this person
  8. All you can do is talk really. You're like an ant up here. DTW. No matter what. Not that I'm bragging obviously I don't have the biggest build, its just game mech.
  9. Yes you were >.>
  10. Anarchy it's just a game settle down
  11. An ant who can do more damage to people than you ever will. It's a build you idiot, just because I like to play like this doesn't make it wrong.

    Now go have a wank to how fast you can hit the repeat button?

    Ok? Ok.
  12. Returnofremberance is only on here hating because i exposed him as being a yafi bum licker. I'm sorry returnofremberance. Is not my fault you spend your kaw days licking yafi's bum

    For the record kifusan. Your mafia terrorist friend masterluis is stripped and being cleaned out at this time. You will be next as will all your friends.
  13. Get out of pin Kifu.

    Oh wait you never will.

  14. Lol ok I'll just say yes to that cause you're just an ant . Come up here THEN I'll actually take the time to talk and fight with you.
  15. Remembrance 8/8/11 stl come at me bro.

  16. Lol fine with me. The more time u waste your
    Life on this game the more I win. It's a game you take it way to seriously. Do what u want idc I just enjoy myself and have fun. I'm not
    On all the time I enjoy my life. It's short enjoy it while u can ^.^
  17. OMG! INCOMING! No no no! Please stop I'll surrender!

    Damn. Not even 30 minutes you're crying already. Holy ****. What a clan.

    What. A clan.

    Go to L
  18. Its so hilarious how they throw out the "its just a game" quote right before they are strip farmed. Have at them Alison! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. Remembrance, dont push it you moron. Last time i pinned your ass for a couple of hours and you were already in pms apologizing. Keep on mouth talking and ill wreck you, you fool.

  20. @ kifusan. You say i take this to seriously? You're the one who prattled on about being a leader of some moronic terrorsist mafia. Not me.

    You just mad because your little creation is falling on its head and your pm to me did not have the desired effect.

    You started the farm. Now take the farm. Instead of making excuses for being a bigger fail than returnofremberance the yafi bumlicker.