beware. new kaw terrorist mafia is here

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SkinnyMinny, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. There are different ways to farm. The way you do it. Or you can steal a persons spies to 0 then attack to dtw. Or assassinate wasting spies and troops saving your troops for EB.
  2. Dag. Noob. Nobody steals an opponent that's awake. You just lose 4x the amount of spies as they lose.
  3. ^ for no reason at all. Assass then scoutbomb your enemy and keep them at 0 spies unable to get funds.
  4. I know that :lol: I was just explaining lol
  5. But you've just slated the other fool for scout bombing you?
  6. No, I was simply stating there is more than 1 way. He stated is as if that was the only way.
  7. I actually didn't. I have used multiple ways. Attacking then assn and scout bomb. But i find attacking, then scout bombing effective.
  8. Mafia=lifespan and his alts
  9. Kifusan* darn autocorrect
  10. :shock: Why is this in AT?
  11. our little terrorist mafia has 0 sdp now....ur next :twisted: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
  12. terrorism is bad for you health ;)
  13. Nope, bad for other peoples health. Unless you're a suicide bomber... That's not good for anybody's health :?

  14. "We're like a terrorist organisation, but for KaW"


    Also, they're ASKED by other people to farm? So, you guys are just mercenaries then?
  15. I knew that picture was coming-_-
  16. So you're mercenaries that don't get paid? :lol:
  17. C'mon arby you know me.

    I may barely be able to play anymore but I can still piss people off regularly 
  18. 1337[​IMG]

    Lol,you and me both:3
  19. I dont knowvy youre warning us. U seem to have things well undervcontrol. Lol!