Discussion in 'Wars' started by Valuable, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. This post was made a few pages back but Im curious anyway.
    Why would someone strip you if they knew you were already on?
    You then insult people for not stripping you? I thought strips were supposed be done when someones offline?
  2. If strips were supposed to be made when someones offline, then this Val guy who goes around saying "Strip me 60bil right now." Is a little off on how strips are meant to played out.
  3. I think Val meant that in a way that sounded like he doesn't care if he gets strip farmed.
  4. Could be. Or he wasn't thinking. Or he thought someone would strip him because he didn't know better. I have a feeling the Titans dont have alot to worry about. If they start losing the 1v1, then they call in their clan. Being in a clan that you cant get protected by seems redundant.
  5. Val has like, 50 alts xD
  6. So I guess these 1v1 could turn into clan wars of a kind? I would like to see that.
  7. He wants to keep it 1v1 and will only involve his alts if the opponent involves their clan or friends
  8. I just read the post again and is Val going to say "1v1 starts NOW" or just start farming them and expect them to 1v1 alone even though they could finish him waay quicker with their clan?

    This might be another Val/Swabia rant fight but Val critized him for fighting people who didnt know how to war
  9. Then procceds to post that he is attacking old and rusty players who have more or less forgotten how to war?
    sorry for posting the other one early.
    That is all.
  10. Val is attacking the older players
  11. I see you saying most vets/legends have either quit or became rusty and to afraid of war. Well look no further sweet pea. I'm back and challenge accepted. I will show you what fights were like before ebs, before pws, hell before clans were in the game. Since I don't know which acc to hit I'll just hit all of them.
  12. I will wait until the others hitting you are finished.. I want a 1v1
  13. Idiots.

    Dam noobs should stick to EBing, I can pin your 6mcs builds with an account 3x less your stats. Honestly, I haven't been properly stripped since ZAFT. Keep joining the bandwagon, more targets hehe. I love watching you all search for my alts.

    Farmer, my Emma account? It's a junk hansel that I use to hire allies with sometimes. You honestly think I care about it?

    I've got around 2 clans on me and my alts and not a single strip on any of the accs I care about. I've hit with my main, maybe your members should learn to report properly. I love watching you noobs try smack my smaller acc and then I zero you and repeat on someone else.
  14. This is funny to see val continually beat on noobs/fail trolls. Is that 7 accts btw?
  15. LR assassin P:04, come get some Noob boy. Join the gang.
  16. Well it seems Val is enjoying himself. I'd enjoy to watch this.
  17. Well I see I won't get to have you 1v1.
    Also 15 successful assassinations,6 failed and 1 failed attack did not pin me.. Please post truth.
  18. Lmfao!! Explain the DTW then boy. It was 2 fails actually. Rest success.

    Wait wait, have you actually mithed up?
  19. It did pin you. I left you once you went DTW for about 10 minutes so you've obviously regened, came on an seen the incoming and thought is just pinned you at that moment.