ANNOUNCEMENT to kill WC!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Dec 7, 2012.

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  1. I dont think dev would be happy though.. Eb clans are a source of income too, they wont let them just go away..
  2. What would they do? It happened in FC, a huge strip war that involved half of the playerbase! If they can do it, why can't we?

    Only problem is, our war clans are caught up in fighting eachother rather than the EBers.
  3. Thats true.. most of the known war clans are either fighting each other in osw and draining their resources while the eb clans are doing what they do best.. EB'ng and collecting equipment and items in peace..

    i read somewhere that someone was initiating a similar actions. But it seems that some clan leaders do not like the idea. Not sure if it was wulf who proposed it. i believed everyone was actively supporting it in the initial planning, but the implementation failed as clan leaders did not agree on some details in the action plan..
  4. Wulf is always upto interenting stuff.
  5. Me no understanding this.
  6. Really? I'd be interested to know who it was... Obviously we have ad mortem doing a similiar thing, just imagine that on a larger scale!
  7. Not understanding what? The concept of the thread? Or the concept of war vs kaw?
  8. You say my point is invalid because last time Twicc declared war on WC ads, it was a success? How are you defining success? Currently, there are more WC ads than ever, clans did not stop doing EBs, and you started a war with another war clan, meaning there were two clans too occupied to attack the EB clans as Twicc originally wanted.

    In fact, New Age went from
    to just having a few people on your wall (half of them Protake members).

    Aside from New Age’s boast that
    New Age abandoned their attacks on these players (otherwise, if I search these players, I should find they have all retired after apologizing (see the rest of that post as well), as you claim happens to "everyone we put on our perm farm" list. Perhaps we simply have different interpretations about the word "permanent?"). Instead, the started an osw with a war clan, something they could have done without the pointless attacks on WC.

    So In attempting to stop EBs by attacking WC ads, New Age got into an osw with a war clan and gave up on its quest to end EBs, and let EB players go. Further, WC ads remain and continue to flourish. Thus, if Twicc wanted to fight EB clans or make enouh EB clans complain that the Devs would change something, Twicc’s plan was a complete failure. If Twicc’s plan was to get New Age into an osw with a war clan, attacking WC ads was unnecessary, again making the plan itself a failure. Even you agreed
    Thank you for proving my point :)
  9. However, I do agree with your second post. I more viable option would be for war clans to each choose a number of EB clans and keep them from doing EBs. That would entail:
    Asking war clans to abandon their current wars;
    Organizing those war clans to each choose a small number of EB clans;
    Attacking and obtaining a surrender or disbandment of those EB clans;
    Maintaining a watch on those EB clans to ensure that they don’t just go back to EBs after the war clan gets bored (place an alt in each);
    Setting those EB clans up with mentors and opponents so they could learn how to war and learn to enjoy it.

    You would also have to choose your target EB clans. Many are so small that stopping them from EBs would simply mean they would never grow enough to enjoy a real war. You would be killing exactly the spirit you are trying to create.

    Finally, this would still likely not change the game for a majority of KaW. This may also interfere with individual plans of the real war clans. However, it is a better and more effective plan than randomly attacking WC ads. Most likely, Eb clans will be EB clans, and those that disband will form other EB clans to continue growing. If you really want KaW to be fun and filled with war, forget making excuses to hit people, and fabricating useless goals and declarations and
  10. Hit and run. If cannot run, pretend to retire and sell account.
  11. To all EB players who put ads in WC, don't cry to me in pm or wall deal with it you are getting target by Real warriors!!!

    EB players = cry babies ( just wait until I am done with current osw I help farm u)
  12. Twicc they are cry babies don't expect more
  13. Hmm i do think there are plenty of WC ads lately but EB's have someone become part of the system; i don't know a single player who hasn't been on EBs to grow or get items. Truth is, KaW is not the same game as it used to be 2 or 3 years ago, it's constantly evolving and you just have to like it or leave. (i'm not telling anyone to leave)
    If you want to somehow get rid of most of the Clan ads in general, i guess the solution might be to increase clan costs to prevent clans with no future being creted.

    By the way, all the clans have used WC at least once... I think i've see New Age ads as well when the clan was just starting (with other accounts) and i bet plenty of clans out there are growing too and might be a descent opponent later.
    Dunno if i should support or no :|
  14. Do we look like we need ur support 
  15. No, it was just an idea
  16. While you may not need her help, you could use it. There are only so many players you can pin and strip on your own. You need to even the playing field of ads to farmers if you want maximum effect. 10 farmers makes people cautious. 100 makes people terrified. Strength In numbers as well as stats I think. There are simply too many ads for you to hit them all on your own. If she was offering action support by farming, then you actually could use an extra pair of... Swords? anyway what I'm saying is good luck with stopping the spam of wc.

    Many have tried and failed but maybe you can do what they cannot.
  17. We will proof those who say we will fail wrong.. You have my word
  18. No one has said you will fail. Only that it will be difficult, and long.
  19. Well we have the strength of endurance.. Nothing will hold us back.. Nothing
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