If you read, they released new items that require mith which require more pvp. They made the game so let them do their job or leave
@ war4yourkaw Can't you tell us exactly how you get these shiny items? And please tell us, this gonna be fun...
I like the proposal, farming wc ads is fun.. Also twicc idea might not be acceptable to all, but you gotta start with something you know. If people who puts ads in wc gets farm, and they will complain to mods, devs to their clan. With enough complaints and cries... Maybe, just maybe dev will find a way to make everyone happy.. Im sure they are trying.. You know, maybe they might start considering about making a separate section in world chat specific for advertisements. Not bad dont you think? wc for chatters and wc for ads. Everyone is happy.. The initiative twicc is pushing might be the catalyst needed to wake up the devs that its about time they put some focus on this on going issue..
OSW should be rewarded too! We spent $$ on strips and xtals and should at least get a return! Support - bring the fun back in KaW - it's kingdoms at war not kingdoms vs AI!
Who cares if it doesn't stop WC ads? OP wants to help bring chaos back to KaW and I am with him 100% This idea will only result in more farming, more wars, more enjoyable noob tears, and of course a god damn helluva good time! FULL AND UTTER SUPPORT!!!
Anyone getting a serious 'Law Abiding Citizen' vibe from Twicc? "I'm going to bring the whole rotten system down... its gonna be biblical."
I haven't done EE at all but just look how ATA deal with your $ to squeeze out everything you got for what? A boring game only goal is to get shiny shiny new stuff hahahaha I say anarchy to make back the fun
My world chat ad is thus: Looking 4 clan with no farming, no war, btb hauntings must have 200b so we can volley! I use it to farm noobs and find clans to extort. Works every time. We stopped even the premise of running eb's since we don't hit them.
I just hit ad posters I can make gold off of, or noobs that might cry on my wall, they seem to just let an admin do all the talking though
@farr having eb items doesn't make someone a eb player. A eb player is someone who only and only hits ebs. And never wars.
A good idea is for all war clans to unite and start hitting all percieved eb clans.. Set aside differences and create one goal.. Stomped and destroy all eb clans.. But kaw has evolved into more than just a war game. It is more of a social networking game now.. Everyone knew someone or friends with someone..