ANNOUNCEMENT to kill WC!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Dec 7, 2012.

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  1. Show some respect dude.
  2. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Twicc you are a feisty little fucker aren't you? People post anything and your mouth comes out a firing away. It reminds me of little man syndrome. The short ones are always the feistiest. :lol:
  3. Don't talk to me about respect, how about respecting new clans trying to ad there clan in the only place Devs provided for on the fly EBs updates. And don't you dare say forums, cuz if they all moved here you'd cry about spamming forums.

    It's a fruitless endeavor and I said the truth, perhaps I was harsh. But you know I'm right.
  4. Twicc well you are stupid. I dare you to pop an xtal in your own members and reset then when they ad
  5. Nope I am atm in my famous statement, few players been my victims when I partyyyy  haha

    So yeah I love trash talk with the haters in the sandbox they try to conquer haha I dont mind I want more noob enemies who hates me or even good war players enemies, one of the biggest minds in kaw quit this game some weeks ago, so I kinda lost my respect for whole kaw, it's just so boring, ATA taking away fun mechanics and to few smart players out here so I don't mind sit in the sandbox with the haters 
  6. You make little sense my friend Yea I don't really get on this game enough to win a 1v1 but of course if you want to start another boring hansel battle that's fine
  7. Intergo,

    I'd give you **** in forums if it was a crap thread. If you put some actual effort in no one would care. Only the trolls would get ya. And they'd win to judging buy your quick temper 
  8. Make sense, I am not after that, I am after to change kaw to a more fun game again, if kaw warriors for a while act like warriors and kill EB ads or attack EB clans, those players start to scream more and higher than true kaw warriors, ATA will listen to them (atm only osw players who quit game or comlpain with bad success) ATA will be forced to do something about when EB players complain they getting stripped and drained of their precious gold, ATA need to do something about the bored huge force (ALL OSW PLAYERS) who atm thinking to quit this game or try to change it with either anarchy or any other way they can to get back the fun, I don't quit this game at least not yet I try to do something first! I tried mail ATA ZERO success, I tried to talk to ATA and wait for their develop of the new SW, still boring game, no PVP action...

    And good for you u were one of those who did get annoyed over my behaviour so lets try take that energy change the game!?!, one person who calls out none listen, two person who calls out maybe one more listen, thousands of calls out for changes well that's calling *changes* don't u agree?

    To make a difference u haters prove one thing you will never change the world! Try be something more, try to think diffrent dont just complain and live in a small box, with only grey cloud in your head!

    But I dare you dear haters for once try to change something to the better! Can you do that?

    I told in this post I don't expect players will come day one we gonna try change kaw to a better and more fun game and don't expect tomorrow either but who knows next day or next day?

    I have patient and I will call out for all the players who thinking of quitting this game lets change it instead!
  9. Holy crap I'm in the car bro. gonna get car sick. lol read later. I'm semi interested in helping you... semi interested. follow me back ill talk later
  10. A world chat is the only reason I play this game,NO SUPPORT.
  11. Arbiter I hope u have an main account if not u behave like an huge noob, pls read and understand the text even if I might not be the best grammar or English person as my native language is way different

    World chat once were very funny, with excitement trash talk and really interacting with both enemies and friends, today wc are as your precious EB, very consistent full of spam of ads and moderators who need to count more than if 3ads within 5 min has been posted I my self been silenced for trying get players I can tell NA did give up and been warring for a long time cos we don't want only hit an dead EB target we want trash talks and cries on our wall etc
  12. I support. I might join.
  13. Lmfao twiq what's next I have a Dream speech? Man chill your ?balls? And take a nap. You want to play 24/7 go ahead but remeber this is a GAME. If people want pvp they will have pvp. Not people fault they didn't find this game at 09. Sure if a 2m cs is eb only that's differnt but ur gonna farm low stat newbs trying grow?
  14. Aw fail bbcode^
  15. Shut up noob
  16. If the game isn't fun anymore --> Quit

    If you prefer war/OSW --> then do that...you still can you know

    If you want to farm people that post ads --> then do it

    None of what you propose changes the game at all. There is a little of something for everyone in KaW. Imposing your view for everyone is arrogant.
  17. @ monster_lo_carb

    If u don't know it yet kaw looses tons of players, ATA finally open their eyes something needs to be done, but ATA's path is the wrong one, yes there is something for everyone except osw (pvp) players

    And yes I did propose easy things get more excitement in the game, bring back fun mechanics for osw develop battle list so u get rare items attacking/stealing opponents

    All developments have been only on EB, lately ATA tried Develop SW, then add more EB with shiny stuff

    To be a new player it will take forever to even reach fully hlbc, then u gonna get all shiny stuff from EB so u are a drifter with few friends

    I can tell I even meet people from kaw cos we been warring so long either against each other or side by side against bigger force

    And yes u can get adrenalin rush from this game, all old timers know what I talk about!
  18. I can feel the noob rage starting to roll in...
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