ANNOUNCEMENT to kill WC!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Dec 7, 2012.

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  1. War4 post with your main pls, I will ofc strip farm u! Dare me sweet chicken head...

    I am not the verbal best writer all knows this, I don't say kill EB? It's part of the game now,

    I say to be a war game pvp and battle list should be something that goes first if players can't handle pvp or battle list they should fallback to eb and grow that way

    Think before u use your little chicken brain

    I don't talk against my self but I might be little bad in explaining
  2. @kingcalm. Yes it will affect KaW. Look at the war that it caused from the last time. Brought an entire clan into osw. Two clans actually. On the very first day he did the "farm eb ads" campaign. So your argument is invalid.

    And If it causes one player to change his attitude of "eb only" in turn causes him to war/pvp more often, then I feel it's all worth it. You can't start a revolution with zero people. But if you can hook one, then there is a strong possibility you can hook many many more. And wouldn't that make it all worth it? CK u seem to like the thought of bringing back the war aspect of the game. Well I'll tell you what..... This seems to me like a viable option. Maybe devs won't make pvp more lucrative, or cave to the demands of pvp'ers even. But does it matter? Is it truly the devs that have the power to bring the true essence of the game back? No. I dont believe it is. It is us the players who can bring the WAR back to KaW. And if ten people who read this decide to go out today and farm some people from wc for posting ads, then I say mission accomplished

  3. Haha, im with you! I usually attack at least a couple of wc-adders per day, so I love The initiative that you take with this thread!  No more ads! 
  4. And to be honest guys, you don't even need to hit someone off of wc who is posting an ad. Scroll forums. Fond someone who's post you disagree with. Hit them. Or watch wc. Don't like the name wallywoohoobangbang. Well hit him. Did someone irk you in the past? Well hit him. The point is HIT SOMEONE.

    I personally think that all the war clans do need to go out and pick an eb clan. If the eb clan wants to remain a clan, they should war for that right. Or be destroyed if they can't take the heat. And members can just go join a war clan when their eb clan is destroyed. I feel that we have let people make too many clans, focused purely on eb, and that is our fault as a KaWmunity for letting it go unchecked for so long. So why not go check these clans? Why not run hard and fast over them? And separate the weak from the strong? Or we could just let it continue to run it's course in the direction it is heading, which is obviously driving the game further and further from it's roots. Which is what we all want to avoid. Devs WILL NOT STOP IT'S DIRECTION. It's up to us to do it. Will we succeed? Depends on what you consider success. As I've said, if it touches one player, then I view it as a success. And so far all of -protake- and NA are in war because of it. Unfortunately -Protake- is also a war clan who stays true to the roots of KaW so the war currently started by the eb farm campaign actually slowed/hindered the revolution, but the spark is still there obviously
  5. I love how everyone is all "Ebs r stoopid, I luvz 2 war", but when Twicc comes along with a good idea on how to bring war back to KaW, everyone starts criticizing. Once this osw is over, I will farm with you Twicc 
  6. Warmongering in a war game. Preposterous  full support to wat twicc is trying to accomplish. All you critics out there go hit someone if you disagree. Atleast someone's still making waves 
  7. NML Get Your Armplate Get Your Hooves Make Money KaW Nation 300k cs Join Now


    Fastest TGL 10m CsTHrIVER Let's make EB BetTer/ FasTer

    Unlock 3m+ NCU HS 

    ╠╗╔╗╦╗╦╗╠╝╔╗ ╔╗╦╗╔║║╔╗╦╗╔╣6M ╚╝╠╣║╣║╣╚╝║║ ╚╝║╣╚╠╣╠╣║╣╚╝AToMs

     AnArChIsTs   Origins 500k Cs Come Get Your Helmet 

    ████ I N F I N I T Y ████NOWF O D3M CS
  8. Monster if u hate me post with main both u and me knows the outcome ! Sweet little smurf, u must be that scared even irl haha
  9. This is my only account. I'm a resetter. Getting plenty of crystals and nobs together to deal with loud mouths like you. :lol:

    Am I'm not entirely sure where you got 'I hate you' from my post. I was providing you targets. And as for chicken...what are you 9? :roll:
  10. Well said Satan
  11. Hay Monster I love those ADS support 

  12. At least Army use main  but him i already hit 
  13. Although its a good idea it really just wont work because of sheer amount of eb noobs in KAW :oops:
  14. Here we go again Twicc you still thinking about my 2.4T strip gone or not ?  still think I use nobs to upgrade ?. 

  15. I just say I still hit u, this thread is not about u and me! Other posts...
  16. Yup I've seen new age ads. Hypocrite
  17. Ok then no more post from me lol
    Enjoy the game as it should be lol

  18. Rockstar grow a pair! Start read this thread u see all players in kaw need to do EB ( if they not are as rich as u, to buy nobs every second day)
    Yes NA done both EB and done ads to try get members in the jungle in wc, it's not so easy anymore, and as u also know all warclans are not as strong as they once were, all starting make families or merge to survive, to many of both your and mine friends quit cos the fun is is gone u can mock as much as u want, if u got problem with me take it 1vs1 and don't act like an -head
  19. Support twicc!

    Lemme know if you need an xtal or 24 
  20. Lol you won't stop until all wc ads are gone? All aboard The Virginity train! Cuz you ain't going to have a life. Good luck nerd.
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