ANNOUNCEMENT to kill WC!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by kaw_admin, Dec 7, 2012.

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  1. Because it isn't the solution
  2. @ Black Hand all credits to u listen to this...

    I already got cries in pm my post made wc ads players got hits if they post on wc about spamming ads

    U are an respected war clan u got my support!
  3. I dont see this solving much. Farming ad posters wont stop them. You say there are alternatives to ads in wc, such as what? Forum isnt looked at by many, most people that look around come here for guides, or to catch up on the latest news that the developers have released, whats going to be in the next update and such.

    Not very many look at clan recruitment threads unless they have been directed to, want to look for a new clan, or simply know how forums work. Many many more look at wc ads.

    I like your premise, ads do get annoying after a while, however your conclusion wont solve the issue in the long term, in my opinion.
  4. I'm glad I don't use wc now.
  5. Please do not mock Twicc for his English skills. That is unfair (Twicc does a far better job in English than I would do in his native language).

    However, you may mock Twicc for his hypocrisy and the lack of forethought he put into this plan.
    Twicc says he wants to bring back the fun of osw to KaW, and he believes he will do this by ending WC ads and attacking clans who do EBs. This is despite the fact that Twicc admitted the
    In other words, clans have to recruit players, and players have to do EBs so they can grow and eventually be able to war clans with players with large builds and many items (like Twicc).

    Even if Twicc's plan to stop WC ads were to succeed, stopping WC ads will not stop clans from running EBs. If it did, that would force players to wait longer before they were big enough to confidently war established clans (like Twicc's), or give more money to ATA (which is also against Twicc's purpose as it would further encourage ATA to continue making EBs and items). In neither case does Twicc's plan bring more clans into the fun of osw, in fact, at best it would delay clans from starting an osw.

    Further, twicc said
    So I wonder, will twicc be attacking himself for doing exactly what he claims is the problem that is destroying KaW? Perhaps once everyone else's WC ads have stopped, his ads will have no competition.

    I have no problem with wanting more osw in KaW. If, as Twicc agrees, it wasn't necessary to compete, I would not have done EBs, and would not have gone item searching (as it is I am still not HLBC and likely never will be, as I am often in osw). But this plan will do nothing but give bigger clans an excuse to pick on smaller clans who need the help from WC. If Twicc really wants more osw, then his clan should target players from known osw clans, or simply start attacking random players regardless of what clan they are in or whether or not they post ads. After all, that's how they got into this osw with us :)
  6. All have different agendas at least I won't hide my agendas, and I have nothing more to prove in kaw, tbh kaw bores me so much, new age been fighting osw we still does and we always fight bigger clans than us and only to 50 LB
  7. Lol y'all all miss his entire point.

    Twicc doesn't want to stop the ads. It isn't about the ads. It's about the reasons behind the ads. Eb pays way better than pvp. With no risk involved. The devs have it all backwards. There is no great risk in eb, therefore should not be great rewards. Twicc wants the pvp aspect of KaW to be the lucrative aspect, and the payout/reward from eb to be the fall back point. Eb should not pay more than pvp. Nore should it grant better rewards than pvp. Sw is still not the true spirit of the game. New EE is good and all, but it's still just eb warriors with a new form of controlled chaos to play with.

    Twicc isn't trying to kill the eb ads. He's trying to get devs to realize that greater risk comes from actual osw pvp. The original way the game was supposed to be played.

    Right now we have NA/Protake, CR/sic noc, Yafi/aah/os....... Any one know any other osw's going on? Na me either. But there are 1000,s of clans doing eb right now. Some people think this is the only way. GO PROVE THEM WRONG

    Sorry twicc I might be way off from your true meaning but this is what I've gotten from your post's on this topic
  8. Actually you're the only person who got it Mickey lol. We're not trying to kill eb. We want to bring people the warring aspect of this game.
  9. Lol u know me Bro 

    Yes only way to prove to ATA is change how players do things, EB is here to stay for sure but u say my thoughts even better than I do my self yes EB should be the fallback in a WaR game, this game is still called :
    Kingdoms at WAR u see the big letters WAR...

    I don't expect clans/players line up at once, and I got more patients than most clans /players,
    So get this goal to change kaw is a long patient road and I am ready with my plans now, so the more we get killing wc ads actually affect EB in long run so end goal also get battle list and pvp that it should better and a fallback if your clan/player got beaten u do EB grow and learn of your mistakes and attack the enemie again, or agree on peace/CF

    To Develop an wargame is not hard if you as Dev follow the path of your name or make an new EB game only for theese EB complainers

    Who are warriors and who are chickens?
  10. Twicc as my fellow Bro, we are behind u in this...
    u got guts my friend! Cos not easy task..

    New Age Legends
  11. Blackhand, I think most people get Twicc’s point, if his point is that too many players in this game play only for EBs and to grow with no conception of the fun of osw.

    The point that I, and others, have made, is that Twicc’s plan to attack clans that run EB ads will do absolutely nothing to support “Twicc’s point” at all (honestly, I am in favor of attacking players in WC as that at least gives the WC some meaning).

    There is nothing that will change from attacking clans who run EB ads. First, many of the clans will quickly complain and surrender. They will be no fun (except for Twicc to rant about how tough he is for beating up a kid’s clan). Then they will wait until Twicc moves on so they can get back on track with their EBs (and ultimately, in that way, they win). Twicc may come across a clan who will put up a fight for a bit before surrendering. Then that clan will go back to EBs (hopefully so they can grow big enough to challenge Twicc, but not likely). Finally, Twicc may come across a clan who does war. That will be fun, and I encourage it. However, fighting a true war clan does nothing to change the fact that too many players play only for EBs (which was in fact, Twicc’s whole purpose).

    If you think Twicc’s point was that PvP should be more profitable than EB (I don’t see that argument anywhere in his declaration), then Twicc’s war on WC ads still makes absolutely no sense. Aside from the fact if PvP was more profitable than EB we would likely start a whole new generation of osf and pw (like back when PvP, with an osf, was the most cost effective means to grow), and will still not bring more wars to KaW.

    If Twicc is trying to convince the Devs that something should be changed, then, unless the Devs don’t like people attacking other players from the WC for some reason, this plan still accomplishes nothing.

    Please do attack players in WC. It is fun and this is a war game. However, it is laughable to think that by this, Twicc will affect the game in the way he wants to.

    By the way, as of now, WC is still full of ads, requests for volleys, and “hire me”s. Good luck :)
  12. @kingcalm twicc's point is that the war clans should join together and declare war on eb clans. It doesn't matter if it changes anything or not. All he wants is a big war.
  13. [​IMG]
  14. Support! Although eb's are a part of the system now... Can't really change that
  15. Yes ck ofc I have equipment to keep up fight enemies I don't hide I doing EB at all but I have now been warring together with NA 14 month more or less, helping alliances mostly and to fight top LB 50 clans, NA are behind in growing cos we warring all the time  ask your admins or read more my posts
  16. Twicc every time u post u contradist recent posts. Your hypocritalism is 2 much for me :shock:
  17. Contradict
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