Pure EVil strips Zaft council as Xmas present 

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by DRAGON-CODE, Jan 5, 2015.

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  1. That was a good elaboration JB..

    However, the very tactics they used when they were the underdogs was now being frowned upon by the same people who used it.

    The only difference is that NA are a bunch crazy people who will fight not just silently but through banters and a few mockery. We like to enjoy the laughs whilst playing the war game.
  2. Even though this is an interesting discussion and best thread on forums, we gotta be careful a noob mod might delete all these war related posts on here because war talk is not allowed in kaw. JB nice post but I hope you don't get banned by a noob mod poking their nose in this thread :roll:
  3. Barcode ZAFT Fury dtw and sounds Butthurt 
  4. Chubby atk 4/4/6 p:31 Say hello to my little friend hehehehe
  5. First off, Thanks for the history. It's Nice to see it when it's referenced.

    Secondly, this entire quoted statement is true and That's why I keep reading. :)

  6. Musang found pinned. You may aswell be a hansel.
  7. Pusang keeps posting about fury. It sounds like he has a sore red anal situation.

    Congrats you attack pinned a hansel. Good job but you are the wrong build to pin on hansels all day
  8. Says the ZAFT fury member, whose fellow attack builds hit hansels all day
  9. He try to act smart lmao. If you don't like me attacking you. Send you complain to UN. Let them review the atrocity I committed hahahaha
  10. The UN, didn't applesauce try claiming that YAFI were KaW's version of the UN, protecting LoS's human rights against NA. Seriously I still crack up over that comment
  11. damn it I was drinking water some went out my nose laughing hahahaha
  12. Well Sax appledumpling was right. Shame on NA for violating LoS human rights that way. Y'all should be ashamed of yourselves.

    Wait a minute, I was a member of NA during the LoS violation . Shame on me to !
    Can we ever be forgiven for attacking somebody in a war game ?
  13. No we can't. Same as Wib, DC and I will have to forever live with the shame of having hit one of KaW's untouchables, a ZAFT member.
  14. /inB4lock

    Ps isn't reposting threads against some rule somewhere. We get it your proud of yourself. Now raise your arm over your head, bend at the elbow as far as you can and pat yourself on the back.
  15. Well it probably would be if ATA support hadn't have ruled that the previous threads had been incorrectly deleted.

    In b4 the stupidity, Ooops too late
  16. I agree sax :lol:
  17. They say talking to yourself is the first sign of madness, but I also worry about players who block opponents from their walls then carry on lengthy discussions with...themselves. A perfect example of this is my old mate I---ZeuS---I, now I've always had a sneaky suspicion that Zeusy had a thin grip on reality (he really does think he is a god, and should be treated as such), but recent events do seem to have pushed him over the edge

    Zeusy, seriously get at grip. "Something dark side, something evil", Supernatural is a great show, but let me tell you a secret...it's not real. While I'm at it, and I know you don't want to hear this, but your not really a Greek god, your just an insignificant little player of an insignificant tap tap game, just like me; though not quite as awesome as me of course. Oh and if you want to talk evil, you should have met a few of my ex-wives

    Now Zeusy my little friend, using your wall to display your ignorance for what is happening around you, and total indifference to the loses occurring to your friends and allies, may not be a smart move. Oh then again smart is a foreign concept to you. Those strips included a clanmate being stripped off the ally leaderboard, DirtyLarry getting naked, and a number of smaller multi-trillion strips. Sure not all of them have been totally successful, like the one on Muttly for example.

    Now for the final proof of your insanity/stupidity/arrogance. Trying to tell a drunken Twicc that you haven't been respected the way you should be Even we at NA aren't dumb enough to talk to the crazy **** when he's smashed. But even worse you cry about lack of respect, and how Wib and I should have been banished from NA the instant you, Muttly and Harpo commanded; whilst Twicc is writing himself off in SE Asia. Damn you got some balls, just not a lot of brains.

    Twiccy, brother I had a message from Mrs Twicc. She asked me to request that you don't come home married to a ladyboy...again. Enjoy your trip, NA will still be here on your return despite Zeus's predictions.
  18. All human are born good. Evil are created by evil minds. Only evil thinks evil thoughts.
  19. Not sure I agree with that Musang, if you'd met 2 of my ex-wives, I'm sure you'd have agreed they were born evil
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