Pure EVil strips Zaft council as Xmas present 

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by DRAGON-CODE, Jan 5, 2015.

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  1. and still nobody cares that zaft is warring a dead clan
  2. They're not dead.
    Else we'd not waste our time pinning them around the clock.

    This is an object lesson from ZAFT.
    Don't fool with us or else.....

    And obviously whoever fools with us find more time having more laughs in forums and CCs while being pinned around the clock.

    One month.....
    Twiddling thumbs

    Two months
    Less chatter on CCs, more on forums

    Three months to Six months
    Dead CC, more raging on forums

    Nine months
    A host of CF Requests on walls

    Twelve Months
    Ummmm we've been there haven't we.
    You know what happens then.

    But like I said NA/PE are not in the category above.

    So it's gonna be a long drawn battle.


    PS. Kindly keep on topic.
  3. Phew. Bunchies gone
    Now back on topic
  4. Least ZAFT don't lie about the war situation like YAFAIL
    ZAFT admit that NA is still alive and they are having to pin them
  5. You are correct Malestone, as the clans and alliances at war with us believed this theory would work they now see it never did. Each week more and more ex-LoS ask for a CF. More and more YAFI go inactive.

    To think that was before our brothers and sisters at IDD joined us. I like how you dont underestimate us, Malestone.

    Now the real questions, will ZAFT and their alliance be able to get a CF out of NA/IDD? Or will ZAFT and its allies fall apart as YAFI is doing at the moment?
  6. One thing is......

    New Age is one of the Very Oldest OSW War Clans in KaW.
    If I remember correctly, most of their members are still intact.

    The very original 6 (since ZiG vs UWF)
    1. Twicc
    2. GeneralWolf
    3. NewAgeMonkey
    4. ElCid
    5. Abernathy
    6. Deano
    If I'm not wrong. At least the council members are the core, and have been playing a very long time.

    I understand they're very polite and helpful even in CC. Not forgetting RL as well.

    I remember Wilson and Arsh were there for ages. Before they opened up BlackHand with Stevo.

    Even after iG shifted over to FC - PaW and PimD and ZAFT was hyperactive in GaW.
    NA continued to dominate here.

    Take it from me. I've been in every single ATA Games

    My team in FC-PaW was the 1st to win a Alliance Battle. At that time Black Mamba was number one on LB, and Nyn was the 1st Mod.
    FC-PaW (Future Combat - Patriots at War)
    Malestone7469 plus 4 alts

    PimD, I was in iG when Hansel and Bodylocker were around. Darn thing was a mess. Hated it.
    Both of them ally hired me until I was in middle of the clan.
    PimD (Party In My Dorm)
    Malestone7469 plus 3 alts

    GaW, I was in Hansel's Clan can't remember which one. Related to iG then to ZAFT. The lines were always shifting. Drove me nuts.
    GaW (Gangs At War)
    Malestone7469 plus 3 alts

    And all this while, New Age was here growing their accounts.

    If you didn't take part in those OSW of the past, you have absolutely no idea what being in a haze of KaW Fog is.

    I think half my brain died during the iG/WiG vs NA/NAL war. It was an intense 6-month war, AFTER the intense 4-month ZiG vs UWF.

    We shall see how this war goes. It seems to be pleasurable at the moment.

    Have a look at my post on the tower build.
    Maybe it will shed some light on the situation.
  7. NA doesnt seem to care nor giving up any time soon, so this will be a long osw
  8. Twicc won't give up. War is what they do. And like PE, NA finds humor in war. If you can be in a war and get LULZ, by all means, you're unbeatable. Don't take the word unbeatable as being able to win every war. By unbeatable I mean to be able to continue without giving up. If you're still fighting after you've been stripped of all ally's, sdp, adp, ap and sap then there's not a whole lot that can stop you. I've fought zaft carnage alone for 3 months straight. They are relentless. But eventually quit hitting me because I'm what I consider unbeatable.
    So all that being said. You're only unbeatable if you give up. And twicc won't. 
  9. Seeing as the topic has moved to the entire war, I'll give my take.

    Back a couple years ago when yafi was fighting everybody and their mom, they accumulated quite a reputation for being extremely outnumbered, but still coming out victorious despite the threads osiris came out with proclaiming yafi dead and inactive.

    They did this by staying tight knit, focusing on the Ebs for funds, and slowly stripping their targets. They didn't give out mass amounts of Inc, and they didn't worry about trying to keep the enemy pinned. Fund and strip, and it ended up being an unbeatable strategy, obvisouly by the results.

    Now I'm not in this war, and I don't know the amount of Inc. Being traded, but from the outside it looks like NA is fighting along those lines.

    So my question is this, if yafi is fighting against an unbeatable tactic they themselves created, what can the outcome be? Especially since they themselves are also capable of pulling this tactic off (obviously). Can their even be a winner?

    This looks to be like the saying, what happens when an unstoppable force meets an unmoveable object?
  10. Other than twicc and GeneralWolf your original 6 is wrong. Everyone else has been here for about 2yrs or less lol
  11. Osiris pummeled them into the ground until they were bored. They respect them, But all in all That's what happened.

  12. Then why did osiris make a forum apology and request a cf?
  13. If you kept kicking a dog that couldn't bite back, would you eventually apologize and walk away?
  14. No...I've never seen a winning clan apologize.
  15. Yea Osiris is a bunch of pansies. No way did they beat Yafi

    You don't surrender when winning
  16. That's the difference between NA and Osiris

    My opinion still stands
  17. It happens all the time. A fight starts, a guy beats another guy to a bloody pulp, then says "Whoa, I surrender, even though you aren't hitting me, I request you stop. You win."

    Pretty standard. Makes perfect sense.
  18. I see it happen all the time.
  19. Oh, I get it. It's like a riddle. To beat yafi like Osiris did, new age needs to request a cf.

    Your opinion does stand, in some weird delusional place.
  20. All the time huh? So you'd have no problem giving a number of examples that represent this situation?
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