Pure EVil strips Zaft council as Xmas present 

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by DRAGON-CODE, Jan 5, 2015.

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  1. I don't know how to say in proper English. My town have 10 Main streets ( what I mean my town have 10 streets name Main ) Please can fix this in proper grammar do so. This way Princess Valentina can understand something wrong to have 10 mains 
  2. My grammar is bad but Princess Valentina logic is far worst hahahaha
  3. The Man
    The Myth
    The ️Legend️

    Sitting with 6T out, waiting for new lands, calling NA they suck.

    Living on the edge

  4. Wibbles, I won't warn you again. Stop picking on Val, she's my hero
  5. Sitting here.

    6t out.

    Laughing at poopytoss.

    Waiting for lands.

    Waiting some more. So close.

    NA sucks.
  6. 
  7. OMG, Val has proved his farmer credibility, oh and the fear it has inspired

    6 hits....oh and has anyone got a bandaid DMC can borrow
  8. I've got plenty. Val's harsh words have cut me deep many timesso I always have some on hand

  9. And its confirmed! Valery doesnt have a life to live! The Legendary Internet Forum Warrior is sitting and waiting till the 21st for new lands to come out! Only legends can sit there for days doing nothing but live the truly hardcore internet life!
  10. The Man
    The Myth
    The ️Legend️
    Nuff said
  11. Lotta high comedy here but the highlight is certainly vanity or whatever her name is...blathering on and on about her tap-tap game celebrity status and the ever so brief glimpse into the life of an online attention horse.

    *Neither homophones nor heterographs should be interpreted as potential bypass. All words used are 100% literal and intentional, so no need for any lurking kings lounge grammar police to file additional reports to mods/devs.
  12. Can you use them in a sentence please?
  13. I can Ashes, but only if I have an appropriate SS to add...I'm sure it will happen
  14. Did you see that bare bear? That was totally homophone. There were two though too. All three are dedicated to the heterograph.
  15. Ill strip your mom.
  16. LOOOOL. You guys are classic. All mouth and you know it. Only strips you've done recently is through newly acquired accounts of certain members. Besides from that I don't know what you've done since 2010. Congratulations, I'm glad you tried to do something. Y'all still no action, I say I have 6t out, sleeping and still won't hit lol. Useless.

    Celebrity status? When did I say that. I'm just highly arrogant and confident because I know new age won't do anything lol. Nobody's been able to put me in my place and seems like nobody ever will. I did laugh when you guys tried to strip all the mods... It was a pathetic attempt to rekindle the flame that died 4 years ago.
  17. Dead, seriously stop acting a muppet. You took it literally that I was sitting here staring at a phone screen to the 21st?
  18. Definitely a vote for best of and there should be. a new section in guides "how to smack talk " with this gem as the example thread lmfao brilliant absolutely brilliant.
  19. I agree Lockie, any thread where Val looks like such a retard yet can't see it, should be in best of...the rest is just cream️
  20. These guys are professional smack talkers. We'll trained. Had a lot o time to practice. Can't really do much in-game. See how they turn one comment into somehow entwining your real life to it. Classic. Completely twist whatever's posted. I'd do too if I didn't have much going for me
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