lmfao if you say so. Musang, you admitted IDD don't even strip, they don't need to "boast". Your words. You've no right to speak about strips lol
To be honest, I can't really say anything to wubitos. I don't know who he is, why he thinks he knows everything about me, and why he thinks he's some sort of threat. I'm pretty certain you probably couldn't even win steals on the mighty strip you just pulled. Funded any strips since? Nah? Ok then.
A) Im a nobody B) I know nothing of you (except you are a legend) C) last time I won a steal was 2011 christmas D) Im broke E) can I have your autograph? ️
Read my wall lol. Mickey even says NA is all Alts. Apparently. I post with my mains. So basically, your claiming anyone that doesn't make an alt, get clan farmed, and be a dead horse is a coward. Okay bro. True OSWers right here.
Now thats real penmanship right there. Is it true Rowling asked you tips when she was writing Harry Potter? You could be not only ️KAW legend️ but a legend on other fields too. Twicc heard a rumour one of your alts is fixing a cure for cancer on her free time and another is building a space shuttle that can travel to Mars in 2 days. Those true?
I was supporting the statement that Val is afraid to hit kotfe. I've hit em, wibs hit em, sax hit em. Val is just the most amazing Internet warrior ever Val...again with the "mains" huh? Do you know that main ='s your main acct? Keep it up tho. I'm sure someone out there thinks ur a genius
You hit em with your useless, gold less Alts right? Coz I could make an account your size in a week. I suppose if my account was that cheap I'd do the same. I'm sure kotfe was quivering when you hit them. Is it worth putting you in a CA? Your account isn't exactly makin any gold anyway.
401b strip??? Bwahahaha. All by yourself? how can you have time for that with growing your "mains" and LARP on weekends ?
I agree. I have less than 60b in bb, no ally's, and I can't eb to save my life. But if you can make an acc my size in a week and still maintain this spectacular life you say you lead, go for it. A woman's gotta do what a woman's gotta do. Lmao
I can suggest a few targets if you really want that 400b have an impact...oh but you wouldn't have the Balls. You see it's not about the gold, the value of a strip is on the effect it creates. That there is what we wanted....that's value️
Uuuh!!! We got a live one over here Let us know when you pull even a 10B strip on ANY legit war clan in kaw thats currently not in war️ We are all waiting here to see that ️legend️
I remember I stripped what's his name, rabbit who was in NA of like 300b lol. I only left a link to some tiny sh bank. Same thing right?
We'll this one time. I told NA they suck... I laughed. Then returned ingame where I quietly sat with 6trillion out, waiting for the New lands.