DMC you knocked it on the head. Val stalks NA related threads, but only when they are at war. His bravery is obvious for all to see.
:lol: Just pointing out the obvious. They are fighting tons of clans you're not in. You're allowed to express your discontent of them but to expect incoming being in one of those clans would help. I have no problem with you expressing discontent, I personally Enjoy the reading and banter here. As stated I was just curious as to your intent here and stated my thoughts on such.
I knew I wasn't going to get Inc.. Maybe when it was just yafi since they kept saying they weren't hitting. I was hoping to get my allies cleared off me. Saxon you are obviously not familiar with the waeldestone raider. You've got no fans. You've got no ground.
No Val, I got your reference. But reality is your not some heckler at a football match,who did something unique and amusing. Your a coward in a tap tap game, too scared to openly join a war that you are so desperate to be a part of. You certainly won't get a meme of the year for anything you write️
If I wanted to join a big war clan I could easily. I have alts in big war clans actually, just incase. But I prefer to fight on my own. Something your incapable of, because your account poses no threat and can be pinned so easy. Enough about me, let's talk more about how bad you are. Enlighten me how to express my hatred towards you guys, in a suitable manor?
It's adorable how awesome val thinks he is. Until this forum I'd nvr heard of him. And he's had no inc this whole time? Sounds like a Crash187 situation to me. Crash quit the game and still claimed victory Wib is the only 1 that'll get that reference. Val claims victory and has been an eb queen for 6 months with his "mains". Haha. Only a noob would say that all their accts are mains. He doesn't know what alts are I guess
Naah DC.. Valentina once tried to hang out with her alts.. But they all refused as they think shes just...
As valery keeps pointing out, his "no life other than kaw" life. Btw are they alts now? I thought you called them mains.... Vanessa go find something else to do. All you do is try to derail threads with your useless junk and useless accounts.
I was wondering why Princess Valentina always in sour mood. Now I learn even her alts can't stand her stupidity hahaha
The name calling, the insults, calling me a female. It's actually hilarious seeing the band of merry goons try to come together to muster up comeback against me. I can't help but laugh, I've said everything I wanted to Say, now it's just funny the stuff you guys try to come back with.
Wait a minute Ive honestly always thought you are a female.. I bet the entire female population of kaw is happy that you aint.. Us men on the other hand You really make us LOL Champ, let us all bask in your glory
Dragon code, explain to me why I would care if you knew me or not? I've never heard of you. And the fact that you think a 400b strip is thread worthy shows why I've never heard of you. How do you know i've been an eb fairy for 6 months if you've never heard of me? I still always have my targets. NaughtGwens gonna be my new toy for a long time. Maybe the only friend of New age I've seen who I can hit.