That was the plan, a yearlong plan which was never executed till now. Tough luck, 15 clans can't seem to do it, and we are still here. Maybe another 10 clans, you think that'll be enough?
Now, now DC let's not pick on those poor Zafties! I'm actually starting to feel bad for them, even feeling a bit ashamed of myself for the damage our strip has caused Seriously bud, I think we have underestimated the impact of our bullying, and yes, we must except the fact that we are bullies Defiant was right after all...speaking of which, what ever happened to that weak fucker? Ooops I digress. What's that you say, you think I'm joking? Yes Muttly I'm sure that our strip was a big blow to your family; I don't know how you'll ever recover from the loss of that 400B. In fact I've heard you all sitting around the ZAFT campfire, playing your banjos, and bemoaning the tragedy Reality is, that the only blow that ZAFT has taken recently was you taking over as leader; and I bet they're starting to realise that. I mean seriously, we stripped a Council member. Laoda would have had us smashed, what did you do? Cried to Twicc a lot about how misunderstood you are, and how your not Laoda; nope your certainly not. Laoda wouldn't have stopped "pinning" us to run a Blood Rains EB So far unlike YAFI, ZAFT have been about as useless as we expected. I'll be honest, a lot of YAFI are like machines; they kept me pinned 24/7 for 6 months. You guys, well the word suck would be an understatement, luckily for me YAFI are back giving me the love I so desire. Even that didn't get me incoming We've actually been feeling that sorry for you fuckers that we've decided to help you out with strips️ You guys suck that much that we even opened him up on WC, and the fucker still only lost 10b Now on a serious note. I was speaking to Daphnia, who in my opinion is a breathe of fresh air in terms of moderators, but I did need to set the record straight about one thing. Sadly Daphnia, if what ZAFT has become is any indication, then Kaw is worse than a kindergarten, seriously trying to get a player silenced over a 3 year old post, on a friends guys are true kindergarten Gods
The above post is probably the biggest pile of bull I've ever seen. They''ve basically concoxed this whole thing in cc and SSed it, and then expect us to think it's legit. You said you barely got Inc now it's yafi pinning you 24/7 lol. You opened wib with 32b to wc, zaft, yafi, and your own clan and he lost 8b? Your insane. I could attack strip that away off wib myself in 2 and a half hours. You keep saying, 400b strip causing such an outrage.. It wasn't the strip. The ss I seen with harbinger where "the last straw" was when the thread was posted. You posted a thread with you all mocking them on it, and then claiming it was the strip that done it. Repost the harbinger SS and let everyone see it lol. Maybe if you didn't post the thread trying to brag you wouldn't be here. But wait, NA doesn't care, their too busy bragging about drinking alcohol at seemingly every hour of the day and week on a kids app.
See me, wib and Twicc had bit of a drinking session last night. Me and Twicc have been properly pinned since ZAFT joined but poor Wibby had been left out. So I took it upon myself to get him pinned. Only _balle_ delivered (don't ban me for that bypass pls) and hit him. After a while out batteries started to run out and wibs was first to go. Again Balle provided and snatched his allie. I wanted Wibby naked (payback from my wedding strip) and opened him everywhere. His phone was dead for one or two hours and he showed me ss of having only lost 10ish B for the entire time. I am HIGHLY disappointed with all Zaft, yafi, K-L and rest of Kaw (in eu wc) Y'all suck Over and out
VAL, why do you care so much? You seem really intent on belittling them for everything they post or do. I'm just curious if there's a reason why.
Because I just don't like them. And there's no other theads that I can cause some conflict on. If there was, I would.
Val cares because he knows that everyone realises how irrelevant he is....nothing more nothing less. I can guarantee nothing is concocted, I wish iDevices showed date as well as time, or Id post SS detailing the lack of incoming I had for the first week after the strip....but then Val would sY they were doctored. Reality is Val is nothing, so needs to spend his time crying on others threads️
You're only causing forum conflict though, nothing more. They have 15 something clans of higher priority targets than you so it's pretty safe to say the "causing of conflict " here is aesthetic at best. Well, enjoy it either way. To each their own.
"everyone"? Please tell me who this.. Everyone.. Is. I haven't seen one outside player agree with anything you have to say about me. There's either nobody, or they're all too scared.
Here you go Val, just for you. The SS of Harpo you spoke. Now note he doesn't mention anything about forums because that conversation was before this thread was posted. You really need to get your facts straight, then you'd look less like a butthurt noob....oh actually you wouldn't