Pure EVil strips Zaft council as Xmas present 

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by DRAGON-CODE, Jan 5, 2015.

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  1. Lock. ... no support
  2. Just out of curiosity -

    Do you actually say 'I'm playing with Coc' or use the full name?

  3. You make fun of us for meeting up val? I've been to London twice, Denmark and Sweden cause of this game. I wouldn't have had a reason to go if not for it. You know how many ppl I've met that I've told that I play kaw? And how many had quit cause PE ruined their game? What I'm getting at is that there are more ppl that play than you can imagine. You're kaws version of Simple Jack I think you just love to hear yourself talk tbh.
  4. I doubt he use the full name. He sounds in denial, safe to assume he play COC Hahahaha 
  5. Lol I'm not having a go at Val, don't know the guy, was literally just wondering 
  6. You guys bite so hard to defend yourselves it's funny lmfao.

    I just said i thinks it's ridiculous meeting up with people from KaW, my opinion. Fair enough if you live next to a KaWer like 5 miles away.. But why the hell would you travel across the world to meet some randoms lol.

  7. Why would you live your life in denial over just a game?
  8. The world is too small after all !!!!!

    Open your mind !
  9. Live my life?

    Bro it's a game. My life doesn't revolve around a tiny little lie I say about the name of a phone app.. Get a grip lol
  10. Val~"I have 50 alts, I spent 4 months of this year trying to HFBC 6 accts that I still can't hit Mickey with, but my life doesn't revolve around this game".
  11. Probably a fake catfish

  12. Then why spend so much time on a game and have a few alts and claim your life doesnt revolve around a game you deny playing? You're just making yourself look stupid. :lol: :lol:
  13. I only just came back to KaW start of PvP event.. I have like 6 or 7 mains, the rest of my accounts I've just dropped all build and allies for liquid gold. Unsure what to do with it yet.

  14. And yet your life doesnt revolve around the game, correct? :lol: :lol:
  15. 7 accounts isn't high maintenance. It really isn't.

  16. Denial is the first sign of the problem
    Keep convincing yourself on that Princess hahaha
  17. So you pretty much dont have a life since 7 accounts are easy to manage.
  18. Enough of a life not to need to meet up with randomers on the Internet lmao.
  19. 6-7 mains huh? Obviously val is new to the game. You have 1 main and the rest are alts. And.... Val claims that kaw is not her life? But posts on the 5 threads I've posted more than anyone.
  20. Lmfao. New to the game. Son I've been around longer than anyone on this thread. That's why I know I can just troll the **** out of it and you won't do nothing.

    These threads are basically the only threads I've posted on in the past few weeks. Besides a few rants at KaW admin in the latest thread.

    Posting on a thread = no life. Got it. Ill remember that when I'm meeting up with no drama IRL for the fastest Summoner completion party.
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