I really want to party with these dudes. No matter what u say about them u gotta admit they like to have fun.
Well, some of us actually party together outside the game too We have had quite few meetings where ppl fly over from USA etc to party️
Oh Val your post is even sadder than youI don't know if I feel sorry for you or make fun of you. Seems appropriate is feel pity on you
I have my own real life friends to go out with. I don't come to kingdoms at war to meet new friends and go "partying" with some nerds lol. I'm a nerd in disguise, if people new I played kingdoms at war...
Wasn't anything sad about it...had a lot of laughs! Only bad thing I can say about partying with those guys was this: do NOT let wib be the tour guide "it's just over there"
Most of my friends, when I explain kaw, reply " That sounds pretty boring. Let's play (insert console name) or let's go to (insert bar/venue)" So I am also a kawer in disguise. Even persecuted because of my love of the game "Why do you have so many iPods? One for each day of the week?" You can't reply to most people "I've got alts man, lots of alts." That being said, traveling and partying with people I've hung out with on kaw over the years sounds pretty awesome. Especially those in other countries, it would be sweet to have a point of contact and someone to point you in the right direction. Especially someone you've been hanging with in kaw for a couple of years. So I don't understand why you can't have everyday friends as everyone does, and also enjoy meeting up with fellows kawers to party in random places in the world.
My wife always asks me.. "What's that game your always playing on your iPod?" .. Just a game "What's it called" ... Uhhhh.. Clash of clans.. I often tell people that ask this game is CoC, seems more accepted.
Why play a game you're so ashamed of Val? On a side note...Zeus claiming Zaft has the power to get people banned was pretty shocking to me. I seem to recall LD being pretty upset when someone else (falsely) made that kind of claim of power against Zaft...yet here is Zeus making the same kind of claim of power
People who play kaw meeting up for a beer is kinda cool, I plan to do it with a few I know. Everyone has different vices, wouldn't knock them for it. If anyone is embarrassed to play then don't play. It's a fake game, fake gold, some fake personalities but real people
Yeah, that's real sad if you can't even acknowledge what game you are playing. I mean telling its CoC, is pretty much absord since KAW is so much better. I've hang out with one Law friend from another country. It was fun.. Maybe you should try it Val.