I gave the original thread a warning. Now again several moderators have also done so in regards to the conduct on this thread. Small violations and mindless/spam banter have occurred here, while the previous had more severe violations. I urge you to please email support if you feel I failed in my judgement. support@athinkingape.com In the meantime, go back to topic thanks.
Banter is allowed. If it isn't, delete 90% of forums. As for the violations, Chaos, maybe give those players a forum ban and delete their post. To be honest, bud, that is your, as in you, only option. Otherwise everyone will put you in the corrupt category. And if you are not corrupt, you were lazy. Some times is is best to pick your battles Edit*** Only time I will say this. If chaos wants to discuss the "politics" of how to be a mod in a game like kaw, he can pm me. Till then, enjoy the sweet sweet sound of this New Age Pure Evil "Chaos"
Let me clarify. "Mindless spam banter" Posts which exhibit no content towards this particularly topic and only suffice in the extent of promoting flaming and baiting of other players. This is not allowed.
I did email devs. Their response...case closed. That's it. Nothing other than case closed. Emailing devs is a joke too. I like to take matters into my own hands. Yes the last thread was warned. While I was asleep. Didn't have a chance to rectify the situation. Next time pm the op and wait for a response. If you don't like this suggestion. Email devs at support@athinkingape.com
Chaos give us an example of a mindless spam banter in this thread if possible... Most war threads have people bantering about different things but it does not get deleted. What's the different thing about this thread that it had to be deleted? Do us a favor and can you just let a different mod take care of this thread that's not biased? Or does it really have to be you? Matter of fact have someone that's not in zaft to handle the matter.
Daphnia this isn't FC sweetheart this is KAW so relax and stay in your lane, the banter on this thread was entertaining to say the least. Congrats you ruined everyone's entertainment. You had well known players posting with their main accounts and throwing in banter. It was awesome and that's how KAW should be played.. But now we are under this heavy regulation like its Soviet Union in the 80's. Good job, by regulating this thread into some boring nonsense and forum banning Dirtylarry for a month you really did an awesome of improving forums.
Mods don't delete threads? Then where has "ig the legendary myth" gone to? It's certainly no where to be found.
Sorry, the fun police have arrived. Thread has gone way to far off topic even after many many warnings. It is a shame, as I find DC hilarious.