Pure EVil strips Zaft council as Xmas gift

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by DRAGON-CODE, Dec 29, 2014.

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  2. TNT , you were asked to leave thread by OP-

    I am now as a moderator telling you to leave this thread- this means you can no longer post this thread whether you are mentioned or not or risk facing a forum ban.

    Can everybody please stay in topic on this thread, it has already had it's predecessor locked and removed, let's not have that repeated.



  3. **** off green.
  4. Let's not have this locked and repeated? Are u crazy, we want it to happen again so they can try to make another one
  5. TNT you are a noob. You have very large eb fairy wings.

    That being said, please tell us your take on this thread and the strips mentioned here.

    Personally, regardless of strip size, I prefer these kind of threads in AT then the normal crap.

    Oh, and I second your green comment.

  6. Ohhhhhh.
  7. If my laughing emoji worked, I would use it. Going to have to settle for a "lol".

    And I appreciate you admiring my Eb...I mean warrior wings.
  8. I love the fact this was posted 2 hours after TNT's last post. And a better way to approach this would to address the fact that people needed to stop addressing TNT, since he has been requested to leave the thread by the op. Because otherwise he was in the right, to continue posting on the thread due to the fact that JANO continued to address him. Just a helpful hint.
  9. I don't see any grounds for him TO leave. Hardly trolling, just because you don't agree with the OP doesn't warrant being made to leave the thread.
  10. Agree, I personally see no valid reason for TNT to leave.
  11. Agreed with both Val and oli, both of whom are forum vets, and have more knowledge then our mods it seems.

    What was the grounds of leaving iphito? I was not spamming, merely arguing with a person that was involved with the thread.
  12. ️️
  13. Kiss ass bit his tongue. Haha
  14. The last thread by you was about what makes you relax and unwind. With you, It is all about leeching other's threads and pointing alleged fault. However and as I said before, no war has been won by you. You only lol'd and dismissed what I said but did not state those wins that made you such a skilled tap tap game warrior. Name those wars and I'll take back what I said. Optional of course, you do not need to prove me wrong to keep on livin'
  15. Maybe get some allies. Some pots, put up a troop building, before you even qualify to say that >i< don't win war lmfao
  16. TNT was asked to leave by OP on page 6 and posted page 7 - i can see no comments to him between those posts.
  17. I was asked to leave on page 4, and was mentioned twice in the next 3-4 comments...And 3 times in total before I posted again.
  18. Please put more effort into your moderating. Humans can make mistakes so I'm not going to be an ass about it, but you're wrong. And before you automatically kick people off of threads, you should read the threads first. Skimming is not reading.

    Have a good day :)
  19. IPhoto does a fine job... Good day
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