Pure Evil declares war on IG

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DRAGON-CODE, Jun 2, 2012.

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  1. @ You

    By all means, feel free to enlighten us.
  2. Rhoda, Saxon made it quite clear in the thread by melissa that he was takin many ig members including you on by himself. He specifically said that pe was told to stay out of it as long as nobody else started to get hit...

    Obviously you have a problem reading and you should invest in a pair of reading glasses.
  3. Rhoada "If you would like a war, just say so." Did u read the damn title?
  4. I do not need to explain anything to someone who lacks the courage to post their beliefs with a main account. Both iG and PE know what has happened, and that's all that matters.
  5. @iG_Rhoda_iG yes I have been hitting you for days, but this was after Naturism and Assiss hit me whilst in PE. 1ATE7 can confirm this. I requested that PE not intervene in this matter, as I am a guest; though a guest who has a long time relationship with the clan and it's founders.

    I have been fighting iG alone during this time and requested no aid. Pretty much because they've sucked and I didn't need it. Though cudos for the partial strip; thats one tactic you can still do.

    @ DC, I'm sorry that being a friend has bought you aggravation, but the fact that iG hit you and broke CF because they can't handle me speaking the truth is a true indication of iG lack of integrity.

    From this point on I consider myself Pure Evil and will support your actions to the last.

    Pure Evil Friends fighting for our beliefs!
  6. Let the party commence. ;)
  7. Aaaand the **** just hit the fan.
  8. Good luck PE
  9. hire me plz
  10. Kill iG
  11. Assiss and Naturism. Neither one of those names resemble mine. If you really wanted to war iG by yourself why not joini one of the other 3 clans we are warring?

    As for everyone else who has something to say, please feel free to join any clan that iG is currently warring and I will gladly give you some love.

  12. @Rhoda, Ooops Wilson made me do it 

    Anyway stop ******* crying, it's a war game! Don't you remember "We Terrorise", well apparently not any more!

    Pure Evil
  13. Damn...
    Moose you sharing that popcorn?
  14. I want some xscape
  15. love this **** ig will fall one day maybe that time has come!! go pure evil!!
  16. @ You

    As a small pure spy with no allies, can you explain the difference between posting with an alt, and posting with an account that the worst that can happen to it is that it gets spy pinned.? Inquiring minds would like to know. :|
  17. Crying? Hmmmmm just saying if you want to war iG just say so. Don't create ******** reasons to do it. 1 iG member hitting 1 PE member and now they want war? GTFO of here. Just put your Bandwagon hat on and play the game.
  18. Go pure evil we my clan supports u all the way
  19. Rumor control, that's no comparison. That is his main, this is mine. That is not your main. I don't give a **** if your top of the leader board, if you can't post with a main, your a coward. Lose some damn allies and get pinned for saying what you think is right!

    Pure Evil
  20. @ igerpums

    Your explanation is flawed. A pure spy with no allies can not be stripped. And if it is action taken with the risk of loss that defines courage, what then does that make a spy such as yourself with no allies to strip and nothing to lose?
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