Discussion in 'Strategy' started by RoCK0, Dec 8, 2012.

  1. Didn't they also say they would be mainly attack.........
  2. I got my helm to lvl 9 three times and it went back to lvl 5 each time. SUPPORT 
  3. This doesn't matter to the ppl that have 1000's of mith. Wars that have crap mith payout, ebs that hardly drop aqua/inferno, and inferno that costs huge $. Now most of us can't afford nobs or xstals. Yet prizes are to costly. With these stupid wars winners should get more bonus finds mith inferno aqua etc.
  4. U are not lucky mate my new helmet failed a couple times yes. But didnt reset! Used 200 mithril total to get the helmet and enchain it too max! Great ideas and u got my full support ;)
  5. ^damn lol. lucky bastard
  6. Kaw sensor
  7. Possibly trying to waste all your stocked mith. Then after it settles down the rates lower.
  8. The devs
  9. Support
  10. Dear devs,
    I have no idea how ppl even get to own hundreds of mithryls, as cost is high (gold), stocking up is limited (26 a day for me when sale was on), war payout is low (if you win and actually participate much in war and not get pinned) and now no more mith sales!!!
    To me it feels like the game is so unballanced now, that young players have no chance of evening the odds.
    I love kaw and todate spent hundreds of $$ on pro packs and xtals and still not even close to being a big hitter.
    Plz, for the love of god and kaw DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. it is hard enough with the wife and friends calling me an addict (which I probably am), I want to continue enjoying this game but with every new update it becomes more frustrating!!!
    with love and respect
  11. first ppl want items to be for sale, then price is too high, wth??? do u really expect this equippment to be given away??? no one told u to buy it, u did this on ur own stop whining about prices live with it.
  12. Maybe they could add where you get a small reward per KO you get. You would be rewarded throughout the war after you KO someone instead of at the end. Some ideas for this would be maybe one mithril or perhaps some gold bars. I agree, something needs to change. 
  13. silence............ Are you stupid?
  14. Lol good question
  15. What makes it even worse op, is that the 14 mith you spent on spells for Estoc were refunded to you after your win, which means you actually only won 14 or so from the war..
  16. support 
  17. Support, not buying anything until all of them are released.
  18. agreed drag lol
  19. Full support