HLBC not needed...?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by I_I_I-BHEZ-TiLLiDiE-I_I_l, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Ali-

    Finally someone agrees 

    Take the omet on my wall, he's got craaaaazy bonus.
  2. Lots of wishywashy stuff throughout the thread. I'm pretty sure anyone with a piece of equipment is aware that it adds a bonus...the secret is out on that one.

    A large part about doing this is completely left out. BFa factors into your overall size. For instance, my hlbc guild hansel has almost 6tril in allies. Though it's stats are less than 1.4mil combined It out ranks 5mil combined stats. When I go to battle list, it's the same way. There are no t3 builds only ones 3-5 times my raw stats.

    The info on pay is off as well. As stated, BFA DIRECTLY CORRELATES WITH YOUR OVERALL SIZED. PAYMENT IS BASED OFF THE SIZE OF BOTH PLAYERS INVOLVED IN HITTING AND THOUGH STATS ARE SMALL, overall strength is much higher causing you to pay more.

    One t5 attack build gives you rough 29mil combined strength. To equal the power of that one t5 attack build you will need 15mil bfa in both attack and defense. There are 25 highlands, that's 375mil of bfa you need to each attack and defense in order to match the strength that 25 t5 attack builds give. 3-4tril ain't gonna get you close to that.

    I'm not going into equipment because it's been around long enough it's nearly a static bonus for all. However if you are a small build with all equipment and little bfa you are unstoppable. Cool for picking on noobs but if that's all you can handle, jumping to t5 probably isn't the best move for you. The build is perfect for the purpose of building banks though.

    Pay difference is extremely large. my t5bc makes easily double per hit what my t3bc does. Hell last EE war I was making 90-95mil a hit on t5 similar to my size.

    So yeah HLBC is needed if you wish to become the strongest you possibly can, but not needed to enjoy playing the game.
  3. HLBC FOR EB NOOB ******* *****
  4. If you want an insane example of what BFA can do than look at -DMS- he pins hlbcs easily.
  5. BFA Comes into play on your war roaster,
    But everyone checks the persons stats before they are hitting, right?

    If #10 in a clan full of HLBC was tiny, even though he's #10 I wouldn't hit him, as Id prefer to get my full plunder..
  6. Nice thread Val. Good stuff.
  7. Val you jut payed me 33mil. My t3hansel pays nearly 20mil more when I hit it
  8. My blood is bitter 
    When OSF has full DP I make 47m first hit, drops to 42m
  9. Dondada said exactly what I was gonna write. Thanks for saving me the time brah 
  10. I agree with you completely  guild hansels are awsome for making money 
  11. Sigh. Lets think about this

    1) if you read up on kaw_admin's posts, you will note that the drop rate for higher level eb's which give the stronger equipment are mechanized to drop for larger builds. So, a guild hansel would have a very difficult time getting the greaves or the crossbow, for example

    2) lets say you put your gold into allies. A Hlbc that is 6mil/6mil only adds 120k/120k to your overall stats. When you are paying 500 bil or so for each one, it costs quite a lot more than 3 tril to equal that stats of a t5 bc player

    3) the equipment that a small hansel can get will be the sane equipment every other small hansel can get and every larger build already has, so their static bonus is pretty much negated by the opposing players stats.

    4) the stronger you are vs a smaller opponent, the LESS gold you make. So, hitting smaller targets doesn't give you more gold.

    There's more. But I'm lazy.
  12. But if you had all that val while being hlbc then you'd kick ass over the other players who aren't going to try to hlbc. Fingers crossed that made sense as I'm half asleep while typing this.
  13. And a dinosaur comes and eats you. You then realise he's a troll.
    Ohhh noooooo!