
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iliIDlill_VAL-3N7iN3_ilIlMiill, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. When stripping they shouldn't go DTW.. If you have all hitters STEALING only (no attacking) they should stay open and keep their gold accessible.

    Great thread btw
  2.  yes I know,
    I was talking about attacks
  3. Nice job Val
  4. Nice Thread n Stripping is fun!
  5. If they're British and you're American, it's 5-8 hours, not just 5. America isn't one big timezone :|
  6. Good, but if spy build strip bank should be an attack build
  7. Excellent. Very informative. 
  8. No need to strip me, I'm alreaady naked


    Informative thread, good work
  9. Besides a few minor mistakes, very well written and informative guide.
  10. Great thread Val
  11. Good stuff Val
  12. Some of those practice's are really stupid, if I'm playing dead Im not about to wall back some random idiot.
  13. Use their battle wins / losses then.

    If they are truly playing dead. Then your ******. Deal with it
  14. I play dead on my other account all the time, its a good way to get fail strippers who haven't taken a long time in advance to track their opponents to buy your junk allys and fund your strips.
  15. "This is just informative, if you want fancy threads go ask Wulf."


    Nice thread.