Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Goomperz, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Stripers?

    Are those people who where hipster striped shirts?
  2. Support
  3. I have a pet cow.
  4. Resistance stay on topic or leave thread
  5. I'm on topic. My pet cow plays KaW. He likes this idea. I also have a pet legend ️
  6. Support ️️
  7. Support tommy good suggestion bud
  8. I'd like to expand to this. Instead of just having more numbers, how about you put in a selective number of TOTAL pots that you want, and the system buys the amount you need to reach that amount.
  9. Devs read this good stuff right here
  10. yeah ! takes so long to buy 500 at a a pop, that i almost starved to death trying to buy 20 k in pots !