First Writer's Chess Gamr

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by cheesemuffin, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Hm... No, anticipation is impatience....

    You're thinking about Exhilarating
  2. Pawn on the left in front of knight-two spaces forward
  3. Aw Smighter, you totally got the Jeaporady song in my head.
  4. Pressure! Pressure is building. LolXD
  5.  I'm watching lord of the rings... Return of the King... I have never seen this before..
  6. Never watched lord of the rings or read the book...is it good?
  7. Really good, if you can catch on.
  8. 

    Ok, I'm not gonna do anything til tomorrow.. Really tired and midterm tomorrow... Sorry -.-
  9. Gtg, parents are telling me to get off iTouch. 
  10. Ok good luck cheese! Wall me when u make your next move
  11. Anyone kno the castle move?
  12. Yeah, I do. When you haven't moved the king or the right rook/tower (different names for it) you can move the rook/tower two to the left and and move the king OVER the rook so that the king can be surrounded on all sides by a rook/tower and pawns....

    That was overcomplicated... Lol
  13. Kk just making sure, i hav a huge strategy with castelling tho
  14. It's not a story?....

    STRIKE 1
  15. 

    I move my bishop.


    CHECK! 
  16. 
    Bishop on left hand side-One space diagonal....