Allie Market

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *KingOfDaWorld (01), Dec 4, 2009.

  1. Buy my allies pls
  2. Buy Hakman 632k
  3. Please someone buy me.... I don't have an owner.....
  4. Nobody is actually a player. xP
  5. Buy my only Allie
  6. Buy my allies good prices
  7. Buy my allies
  8. All my allies are for sale. Need to move them to buy next land
  9. can someone plz buy me i NEED money thanks
  10. Allies under 405k
  11. Yo i just switched to spy build so if anyone wants to hire me that would be awsome
  12. Ok i have 67 good allies ranging from 400k to 32 mill all must go as I want to try an experiment with my build
  13. I've got 2 400k allies and both must be sold
  14. Would someone Be so Kind to buy me :(
  15. I have an ally for $50 mil, two for $13 mil, and three for $2 mil
  16. Just drop them
  17. can someone plz buy me or my allie please Thanks