Easiest Build To Start With

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ArazieL, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. I like attack better. Build done

    Wait throw in a few guilds and all ready.


    Don't forget some allies


    And pots dont forget pots


    Ummm no that it lol.


    Thought I forgot something but I didn't lol
  2. @commander_renegade: It's ok to mix attack and defense buildings when ur up to t4. Not ok when ur lower than that though. Well, at least I think all the lb players mix CF with TL, so yeah 
  3. All cf ftw!

    Or do as I do, build a load of cf and throw in a few towers. That way a high percentage of your defence is permanent and because of the cf people don't realise you are loaded with them! 

    It stops bigger players using you to play from pin when in a system war. Kills your plunder though.
  4. Nubs hansels are best