Advancements in technology and space 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iiiIiieociIiiiwillferrelliiIii, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. The ability to travel into deep space is becoming more of a reality than we've previously anticipated. We now have the technology and abilities to travel into distant planets and find alternative life forms-intelligent or primal. Europa is a moon off Jupiter and we discovered several layers of ice and water on the planet.

    Stephen Hawking depicts these creatures have to adapt to the harsh climates and would have different features to thrive and survive.






    You may know him as the creator of the,"Avatar." James Cameron reached the deepest part of the ocean known as the Mariana Trench. The creatures below have yet to see a single human face-let alone a whale or any other underwater life-form.










    “A century from now, it will be well known that: the vacuum of space which fills the universe is itself the real substratum of the universe; vacuum in a circulating state becomes matter."

    NASA scientists will use electrons inside matter from the vacuum of space to build a quantum space engine-an engine that does not run off fuel. A limitless, self sustaining engine to reach deep space. Light speed is relative to the vacuum of space-natures maximum source of speed making light speed possible.


    Harvard Apparatus Regenerative Technology, or HART, is testing its synthetic trachea system in Russia. The synthetic windpipes are made by growing a patient’s own stem cells on a lab-made scaffold. In the future, this technique could be adapted to create other organs, such as a replacement esophagus, heart valve, or kidney.

    Traveling to another planet could be possible with the new quantum space engine, replacing body parts increasing average life expectancy, and diving and exploring parts of a planet that before seemed impossible. Are aliens real? Are we the alien inhabitants advancing to explore more primal or advanced planets? Would we invade a planet similar to how Christopher Columbus slaughtered Indians in America?


    Only time will tell..

  2. Amazing and interesting read, I was unaware of most of this technology. Its a bit scary, thank you for shedding some light.
  3. Isn't everything relative
  4. Pizarro and Cortez. Your American Indian should look like a Aztec. If you are Mestizo, they are you ancestors. Although they aren't hold responsible for the spread of infectious viruses. Much like their Anglo-Saxon counterparts in the US, and Anglo counterparts in Canada.

    Each culture views events differently, south of the US it is taught as conquest. With extensive mixing of native and European culture. If you go further south into Chile, Argentina, Brazil the population is majority white European. Brazil being the exception. With around half being white and the other half being mulatto, or half white half black.

    It's only when discussing old British colonies genocide used. I made the distinction as European white, because there was a time not so long ago Middle Eastern/ North Africa people were also considered white as while. As it wasn't based directly on skin color, but cranial measurements. Here is a example. You could look white in Russia and be classified as a Mongol using measurements.

    They used 3 distinctive term for all the people of the world. It won't be hard to see why it got changed. White(caucasoid),Mongoloid, and Negriod. With emphasis on white people being superior. At that point in time. All this was done using craniology.

    Durning the civil rights movement in America, black people wanted to use the term negro. Rather than African. They were afraid they would not be recognized as American if the used the term African as a descriptive. The US had set up a colony in Africa to return freed slaves. The American Colonization Society founded Liberia in 1822 to colonize Africa with emancipated African Americans. Obviously few wanted to return. This was set up by a freed slave Robert Finley.

    The civil rights era is key in changing the way we determine race by skin color rather than scientific measurements. Which is good and bad in my opinion. Skin is superficial, race is only skin deep. The problem is people are superficial and skin means more.

    There is some light for you.
  5. Are you really sure that Christopher Columbus slaughtered native Americans? I heard he never reached the mainland.
  6. [​IMG]

    You are accurate from a history standpoint. Christopher Columbus was still the number one slave trader of 9 year old girls for pleasure as strumpets. Would we slave trade young aliens for pleasure? Lol
  7. And by aliens I mean extra-terrestrial beings from another planet.
  8. Here is a phrase I picked up from my great grandmother and grandmother.

    Down on the reservation. They used it in conversation as a transition before they continued indulging in gossip. ️