Discussion in 'Wars' started by O_o_____Frog____o_0, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Frogs.. I'm afraid of frogs.. :cry:
  2. Lol Barbie 
  3. This is me and my gf. I'm the one in the right.

  4. I don't hate frogs but.. They don't look that cute to me. :cry: At least they don't bite. :lol:
  5. Troll what's a troll ?
  6. Trololololololololololo
  7. What I don't understand is, you are supposed to be in an osw, so you have plenty of targets to hit. Only reason you come to forums is to get attention and to be quite frank, it is embarrassing to your family of clans/alliance that you come here. Means you either can't follow directions or don't know how to osw. Hell at least get funds properly if that's "what you're doing".

    5 bucks says he rage hits me.

    10 bucks says I don't care and laugh at him :lol:
  8. That one person scouted you once WoW?
  9. Lol Frog my fav player ever
  10. Looks like frog touched a nerve, oil bear
  11. Looks like you still can't read dlyan
  12. Yeah, I need to practice more often.
  13. He likes it from behind?
  14. Only from his gf I think.
    Frogs... Who knows what they're into?

    Kermit was into a pig! Thanks weird!
  15. This very thread is trolling forums, if you have an alt, maybe you should start by farming yourself.