Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Stone_Dragon, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. LMAO Weezus.

    *one week later*

    My bank account's empty ._.
  2. Nerd rage! Wrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaawwwrr!
  3. i told u I would be farming ur clan in peace and quiet. Now shhhhh....
  4. Moose silence his alt for me pls. He spammed my wall. Some noobs never learn
  5. And u weren't muted for no reason. U bypassed on my wall... So stop with the "poor me, I am a victim of unruly and power trippin' mods"
  6. That's rude too. Hey buddy you can come spam my wall, I don't mind. I have a DELETE button for a REASON.
  7. Lol fiddler I have a delete button also. I plan to use it right after he gets silenced for spamming. Some people need to be taught a lesson about spamming/bypassing. I feel if I let him slide he will just go victimize someone else with his incessant noobrage
  8. Really I did nothing were did I spam
  9. I'm not spamming :(
  10. Awww fluffythis noob is kinda cute when he pouts. Can I keep him for ever and everpahweez
  11. This is why I don't like people like you. I'm not that mean, gonna spam on my wall? Cool beans broski. Wanna spam my PM with ads? Go for it, I like art. Need some gold? Well I usually have gold out. Love taps? I get them xD
  12. @Fiddler I thought I was the only one that said broski :)
  13. And that's me ???? I'm not spamming I sent 5 different comments talking and I get silenced
  14. Lol@ fiddler thinking anyone cares if you like themseems legit
  15. Fiddler will u please tell me that story again. Except this time do it in green like you used to do until we ragged on you so hard you stopped. You big ol fail mod
  16. That's nice to know, hope you had a good day.
  17. Nice fidler your in my normal home clan
  18. Awe is your main still silenced mr dragon? Poor you. Did nothing wrong and still got silenced for it. Don't blow a gasket. It's only a video game. I'm sure mrs dragon would hate for you to have a stroke over this silly game
  19. Alcohol poisoning here I come!
  20. Spamming on walls isn't against the rules, that's why you have a delete and a block button. If I'm wrong quote the rule.