Discussion in 'Wars' started by DeFi-GaiusAveragius, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. I give mickey all credit though, he got into more detail over it.
  2. If I remember correctly, it was one of the petition threads that were made.
  3. Exactly, you're telling us that you had the same idea before he did, then tried to justify it by giving him credit. Anyways, EBs themselfs are the devs fault. The players did not create them. The way they were used however, is completely the players fault.
  4.  **** YAH MICKEY!!! 

    I think you spoke for the whole of ISS and all the true wolves of KaW with this thread. Great work fam

  5. Cynder you hear Mickey got forum banned?

  6. EBs were made by the devs to get rid of pWars. If it wasnt for Wulfs thread, EBs would actually take a little strategy to figure out, cause some areas you can only hit with certain items but people just look at Wulfs thread and know what to expect.

    Pwars were created by the players, therefore EBs were the players fault.
  7. Well aren't you the cutest litle history book? Pwars were made to maximize profit, it was a smart idea. EBs were made by the devs to stop Pwars aswell as inflation. The fact that wulfs thread is helpful makes hardly any difference. People would have figured the EBs and told others and eventually a thread would have been made and everyone who hits EBs would know the steps. The players took EBs an used them to their advantage. They replaced pwars with a better source of profit, if the devs would have tweaked the war system to eliminate pwars instead of create EBs KaW might have stayed Kingdoms at WAR.
  8. ^Better.
  9. Pwars were made by smart dudes. I doubt devs would have thought of this at the start.
  10. There is one way for devs to change mechanics in a way that would automatically increase PvP, and that couldnt be abused: implement that the attacker, if successful, wins - in addition to the regular plunder - a stake (lets say 10%) of the gold amount the defender lost.
    Think about the effects that would have on the builds and gameplay up to the highest lb ranks!
  11. Same should be implemented for system wars as well: the winning side gets a stake of the amount of gold that has been taken from the losing side during the war. If you add an endless timescale for system wars to that OSW could even be handled through system wars.
  12. Not a bad idea 1ate7  that'll really increase payout/growth for those of us who strip constantly. Get back some of those funds  but I can see lots of problems the noobs would have with it.
  13. 2nd one eh I duno. Kinda iffy on that. But then again I just hate system wars lolz
  14. On a lucky farming day you could earn hundreds of billions. There would be thrilling changes on leaderboard every day.
    And the proposal is quite realistic: in real life you would rather attack rich kingdoms than poor ones.
  16. That brought a tear to my eye. Beautiful...just beautiful. Total support
  17. I.S.S

  18. The reason people pw'd was because they needed money to build/grow. The reason people haunt is for money to build/grow. If tier 2 was as big as you could get there would have been more warring but people would get bored fast. The various directions of play the devs have given are just to keep you interested a little longer until their next idea. T 5 has given them a little breathing room because not everyone can place 25 buildings at 175 per building in less than a week. I know some that like to lowland lc just because they say it's more fun to grow fast and farm at a lower level. Try making an alt that never gets past lowland BC then reset. It's actually a blast.
  19. I get your sandbox theory moose! If we choose to dig or build castles that's an eb. But if we beat eachother with the shovels then it's war!