Discussion in 'Wars' started by DeFi-GaiusAveragius, Sep 27, 2012.

  1. More clans should do battle list oriented activities. Say on certain days battle list wednesday. Practice reporting to spruce up cc. There are lots of fun ways to keep the essence of conflict fun and as a clan too.
  2. Good post mickey, as one of those who tussled with you. I can say it did give me a reason to mash buttons on my phone. And did anyone notice the devs have already changed the payouts towards pvp. It will just take time for this to be fully realized. The highest haunting hit is around 45 even factoring in bonus pvp is moving to better profit than eb. A bc on bc hit can yield around 100m per right now. Once more people have upgraded this will become more evident. With system wars paying out in mithril. Osw may become the most profitable way to play if your good at it. I would disagree that increasing the amount lost per player would stimulate fights. While it may be more satisfying to the aggressor to inflict more damage, a large part of kaw is more conservative with the risks they take. Therefore an increased risk of loss would be a disincentive to osw for many. I agree with everything u said in regards to players finding ways to abuse any new rewards for pvp.
  3. Wow amazing thread I fully support this thread.
  4. Wow mickey ur a forum legend! Your knowledge astounds me you have so many followers and fans! You must be so proud........MICKEYKNOCKS IS MY HERO
  5. I couldn't agree more with this
  6. Ur right 3nnui it would make people less willing to willingly go into osw. But no one is willing as is. Maybe if we lit a fire under EVERYONES ass fairly tho then those who don't want to do osw can just get stripped naked, lose it all, and begin the long fight to get it all back. Increased activity over the longterm. Cuz let's face it. I've stripped trillions upon trillions off of people. Kinda all I do. Would u like to guess how many have QUIT playing KaW???? Now another serious question. Would u like to guess how many of those people have sent me a pm a few days/weeks/months later and actually thanked me??

    Let's just say the first answer is so low u can't count that low. And the second answer would astound you
  7.  TS C

    O.O I got stripped 20b today :cry:

    But u should see what Happend to the other guy ;)
  8. But ur right 3nnui. No option is valid really to bring back wars. The biggest excuse I hear for nit warring is GROWTH. Lol what do people think is going to happen when everyone grows hlbc again. Lowlands open up to t5. Then next year when most have LLBC T5 the devs will drop t6 or some equivalent. So people will always have and use that excuse. And never war.

    Btw I'm trying to add a completely unbiased opinion as I'm always having fun. I don't need to bring any fun back to KaW personally
    I just wanna see the game grow and thrive and it's failing horribly in my eyes. Yes the game makes $$. But it's not the game it supposed to be or was made to be. And I wanna bring the true spirit of KaW to those who aren't currently experiencing it
  9. Thanks for the volley Mickey. Appreciate the gold.
  10. We can all agree on "BRING FUN BACK", but we need to do more than going back in time... Moose is right with the '"kaw=sandbox" and is up to us to make new and btr "sand castles".... I mean new war-centered games-in-game.

    Go nuts ... then come and share in forums...
  11. After reading all the posts and replies on this thread, I must agree with you mickey. For the past three months since ive joined kaw, I have been eb camping just to grow and be someone on this game. But it was just a struggle to get on the app and mindlessly grind a Haunting, rather than living up to the name of the game: Kingdoms at WAR. Hitting, farming, and osw is finally appealing to me and having this battle experience I believe will help me and others grow stronger in the long run. It's a game! We aren't supposed to grind but enjoy the time we spend on here.

    I shall help to bring the fun back in my own noobish way ;)
  12.  Support mickey 
  13. Oh u want some war in war games. Like KaW mini-games. I'll list u my personal favorite KaW minigames. All usually result in pvp of some sort

    1. The silencing game. Sooo much fun.

    How to play: go to wc. Battlelist. Join a new clan. Find a good active target basically. Has to be active currently. Then farm the crap out of them. Repeatedly til they complain on ur wall. Then follow them. Get into a good back and forth pm banter. Then drop a bomb on em. Something u know will really IRK them. And unfollow before they can reply. 75% of the time it results in them nOob rage bypassing ur wall.
    Pro tip. Don't ask for or encourage bypasses. Let them come naturally. It's a blast. As soon as they bypass ur wall u run to moose. Or any mod. And get the person silenced.

    1 point for every silence you acquire. Triple points on both if u get them and their alt. It happens occasionally. Some noobs just don't learn the first time.


    Do u hate all those noob clans begging for help on wc. I know I sure do. Don't u wish u could help them and help wc at the same time?
    Well now u can with CLAN RECYCLING™

    How to play: wait until u see a nOob clan advertising in wc begging for help.

    Apply to clan. Once joined up maybe help with the eb. Chat a bit. Get some rapper going. I jump in clan and get straight to business. Whatever works best for you personally tho. It takes a few tries to find own method. Basically tho u tell the nOob clan owner (owner of clan has to be active currently) that u will help him with his clan and recruit and what not. Tell him u have 20 big friends that will come. Only hitch is u have to be owner. Or tell him u want clan achievement. Or whatever works for u. Get owner ship. The very second u get ownership u kick old owner and disband the clan. Don't hold it. Don't try to "sell it". Immediate disband before ur conscience kicks in. Then wall the owner before he even has a chance to search for his nOob clan and say CLAN RECYCLED™. Then sit back and enjoy the nOobRaGe that ensues

    Helps u have fun. Helps me have laughs. Helps the nOob find a clan that cam help him. Helps clean wc of spam. Helps get u some pvp action( hopefully )

    3. Micking people on allies( I retired no I won't volley an ally with u )

    Kinda obvious how u play that game. Ask for a volley. U keep. Then dont keep. Pretty basic and simple. Even more fun if u own the acct u scammed off and can insta strip whatever amount u dumped the ally at. Also a good way to dump turd allies or volley transfered allies

    Some of my personal favorites. Maybe one person will read this and say "hey this could be fun. I'm gonna try it". If u do be sure to shoot me a wall message every point u get on game 1. Or clan u recycle on game 2. And enjoy ur profits and beatdown if u attempt game 3

  14. Lmao. Oh Mickey u so fine. Bring it on I say, nothing gets me pumping more than listening to an eb warrior cry "stop!!! You are taking my fake gold!!! ". Rock on and keep KAW NAKED 
  15. :lol: I loves the Mickster!
  16. Well I love this thread!
    I must say it makes me want to go howl at a moon with ya bro!
    I play this game as if I was in war everyday but I agree 100% people should take breaks from ebs and smash a few people everynow and then!
  17. I'm doing my part. Preparing for Forum Friday :twisted:
  18. I urge everyone to try method 3, someone has had over 20T net profit from scamming 
  19. Jpkj what do you think about this ? Ops I forgot you got banned and stripped naked noob 
    Jpkj noooob 
  20. So it's called micking now?

    Greatly worded thread.