I Need Help Becoming HANSEL

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -Mitchet-, Jun 13, 2012.

  1. Well, first buy guilds, fully upgrade all of them.
    Then buy Shadow of Stronghelds or whatever there called and fully upgrade them
  2. Your doing fine. Need help just give me wall.
  3. If your going for plunder. I recommend 6 maxed CoE and rest guilds. No pots needed on haunt and bfa is huge
  4. Ok nice thanks for the help
  5. Davedave, you don't know what BFA is at all.
  6. Lol isnt Bfa = bonus from ally?
  7. Yes, but it refers to your stat bonus, which depends on your allies. not how many Coe you build

    Davedave meant ally plunder bonus is huge. The two are not the same
  8. Just go Guilds straight away until you HLBC and then convert to any build you want (1.4T approx). By the time you have 43 Guilds at least (assuming you have 1 castle and T4 attack building) you could be making 40B a day like me on Hauntings if active enough. Then yeah easy going to convert from there.
  9. Wow so how much gold would I make per hit?
  10. Keep on doing ambush I'm going hansel aswell and people are all telling me to keep on doing ambush
  11. Save money then switch and BOOM ur hansel
  12. Lol ok lol. I like. BOOMS
  13. Bfa is bonus from allies...
    Can either mean stats or plunder "ally bonus"
     tell me I don't know what it is again?
  14. I find if you build a l1 SoS it drops plunder so I always go straight to l2
  15. @Tom plunder drops least with l1 more at l2 and finishes with l3....
  16. I mean it drops the ally bonus when attacking so I assume it also drops end of eb bonus plunder
  17. You hit harder. But get less bfa plunder per attack. Sorta balances out but I don't recommend unless you want stats over banking
  18. Hansel is awsome
  19. So is it a massive drop like 1 mill or just 400k sorta thing?
  20. I never payed attention tbh