Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by riri488, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. *A brunette walks in and smiles, showing vampire fangs* I'd like a panther, make it quick. I want a girl, I'll name her Flyte
  2. Aww stop reviving all the RP threads please
  3. If you make me a tranier I will tranier any thing you want me to
  4. U shoulda let it die. YOU FAIL
  5. Utho, shut ur big mouth. If we like a thread, we'll keep it. If u don't, don't post on it. Wats ur prob?? Just relax and let us keep the threads we like
  6. There are currently 6 RP threads in active topics
  7. The pet shop was destroyed any way There was a nuke and stuff back on one of the earlyer pages so..... There's no more pet shop..
  8. There are already too many of these. Why didn't u just go to KaW Town or whatever. LEAVE FAN FICTION TO STORIES
  9. KaW town=LONGEST THREAD EVA!!!!!
  10. OMG! Kaw town is long!
  11. Can I train marine animals?
  12. I'll be penguin trainer
  13. Can I have a tiger?
  14. Penguins or lions here
  15. ༄Just wall him...༄

  16. Penguin please?
  17. Woah when did this get moved 0.0
  18. oh my ******* god. who ******* moved this to fan fic.