Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by riri488, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. That's 100bil$ pay up
  2. **builds time machine** we can go back before the bad things
  3. BRIBERY GEM!!!!!

  4. Let's nuke something!!!
  5. KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Let's nuke something fat...
  7. we don't have that many nukes...........
  8. we don't have that many nukes...........
  9. Ill pull an E99 bomb from the game Singulatity
  10. CLUSTER BOMBS!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I just boght twenty thousand nukes
  12. Help destroy Aztec temple with
  13. 
  14. Ahhh!!! MUHAHA

    NO WOLFY ITS NOT NICE TO POINT GUNS AT PENGUINS!!!! *runs to penguin and picks him up* 
  15. 
  16. Oh yeah and the l
    Pet shop got nuked
  17. Y u nuke da pet shop dat no nice 