UCvs zaft who do you think will win

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Jigsaw-4-the-union, Sep 17, 2013.

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  1. Anyone who isn't WDGAF or ZAFT.
  2. I say again: I have friends on both sides, so I hope for mutual CF.

    However, ZAFT has the experience. I'm also fairly certain by total CS, ZAFT outnumbers UC/oG/Apoc.

    But you never know....

    But anyone saying ZAFT will fall is a joke.

    ZAFT won't fall. They might get hurt, but they will get back up.
  3. I know WHO Will win .....ATA
  4. No one ever wins an OSW one side just decides the game isn't worth that much time before the other side does
  5. Developers win. End of thread.
  6. Guys there will be no winners. We will do more damage to the opponents lb because no one in Kaw can match our lb guys. But both sides will take hits on the smaller accounts. There is no way for ZAFT to lose. We have to many lb accounts. So if you look at damage done to lb accounts og, uc, and apoc are the losers. Hands down. Happy WarringWFTT
  7. Alaska the war just started. As for now Zaft is way behind. But we will see how it end in a year or twoWe just started just warming up
  8. You know what I hate..
    The phrase: "No one wins in OSW"

    What kind of saying is that load of crap?

    The only losers in OSW are those who noob rage and quit or those who do not earn any respect after the osw. Oh and those who just get their ass kicked so bad that they beg for mercy.. I mean a cf

    Truth is, most everyone wins in OSW.
    • You either win respecr
      Win by getting your opponent to ask, beg, or cry for a cf
      You win of your goals set forth in this OSW are met.
      You win if you get the respect from your enemy even if the osw ends in a cd

    Growth is stunted. Most times ebs are ran to refill your pots and build up strip banks. You lose members. (Most likely you didn't want them anyways) you get strip farmed.
    But why have good bfa, pots, or a build in the first place if not to war?

    In short [tl;dr part] most everyone wins.
    Have fun im OSW
    Support to oG
    F4L FTF
  9. Cd was a autocorrect for mutual cf...
  10. Yet another bs thread on this war by someone who isn't even in it !! Lol

    And as drift already said, there will be no winners or losers, just hardened warriors..

    Respect to all those actually warring, keep it up ️
  11. There's only one winner in the OSW and that's the Devs
  12. not the one with 30 clans thats for sure.
  13. If 10 soldiers equipped with state of the art military power attacked a small village of 200, who do you think would win?
  14. Strawberry, don't be a joke. I've had a soup sammich that was put together better than any coordinating efforts on the oG or UC front.

    This thread is prolly gonna be as lame as Zombie's fake hospital trip. So have fun. Maybe y'all can talk about favorite seasons of the year? Coolest gym class emoji the late Zombie used? I dunno. I'll be hitting targets and waiting for pm's from a bunch of morons that tell me they caught a big strip and banked in bronze bars cuz they are masters of the OSW.
  15. Wow Os-strawberryJames said that in the last YAFI war that they were just warming and see how it goes in one or two years time  I only see an apology thread made by them and a lot of LBs leaving Osiris
  16. well my legeon is I be a one man war killer of farmers tho I. don't strip I play fare
  17. I have a few favorite moves but what happened earlier today was pretty close to top (may even rival Harb 'strip' of 7trill bought with 0 taken).

    I'll leave name out but have ss because I know how much they deny, deny, deny. So about 5 hours ago I'm stripping this guy 1.3trill still at the buying stage. Well it turns out he was on even though inactive during this time regularly. Boo hiss right? What happens next was... Well one of the most amazing things. He buys them all back! Yay!

    I have lots of other goodies but that one is fresh 
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